- regional brain tissue pH 局部脑组织pH
- Correlations between Regional Brain Tissue Oxygen Partial Pressure and Extra Cellular Energy Metabolite Alteration on Patient with Severe Traumatic Brain Injury 重型颅脑创伤患者局部脑组织氧分压与能量代谢物的关系
- No protruding brain tissue or meninges were noted. 一周后,该先天性表皮发育不全伤口愈合,表皮完整。
- CBZ concentrationin ECF of the focus region around scar tissue is close to that in ECF of normal brain tissue in rats. 大鼠瘫痕周围脑组织ECF中CBZ的浓度与正常脑组织ECF中CBZ的浓度相近;
- The normal brain tissue is used as the contrast group. 各组平滑肌组织均正常。
- Then the SOD, LPO and NO in their brain tissue were determined. 结果:挥发油组,水提液组能增加小鼠脑组织SOD含量;
- HIV also has been isolated in brain tissue,lymph nodes,bone marrow,and skin. 此外,从脑组织、淋巴结、骨髓和皮肤中也分离出了HIV病毒。
- On the other hand, cycloheximide could reduce the expression of P 53 and P 21 proteins in ischemic brain tissue also protect CA1 region from DND. 另外,放线菌酮可抑制脑组织P53、P21蛋白的表达,并对DND具有一定的保护作用。
- Vascular dementia ultimately results in irreversible brain tissue death. 血管性痴呆最终会导致脑组织死亡,并不能治愈。
- CBZ concentration in ECF of the focus region around scar tissue was lower than that in normal brain tissue but group difference was not significant (P>0.05). 瘫痕周围脑ECF中的浓度与正常组相比较有降低的趋势,比值也有下降,但均无统计学意义(P>0.;05)。
- Water content and cytomorphology of brain tissue in rats of each group. 各组大鼠脑组织含水量及脑组织细胞形态。
- Hashimoto M,Yasuda M,Tanimukai S,et al.Apolipoprotein E epsilon 4 and the pattern of regional brain atrophy in Alzheimer's disease.Neurology,2001,57(8):1461. 郑卫东;郑怀竞.;阿尔茨海默病分子遗传学最新研究进展
- They have successfully transplanted brain tissue in laboratory animals. 他们已成功地给实验室动物作了脑组织移植手术。
- AED 8801 50,100 and 150mg/kg ip can reduce the level of Glu in brain tissue. 二采用氨基酸自动分析仪进行检测 ;发现脑缺血 /再灌注可致大鼠脑组织中谷氨酸 (Glu)含量增加 ;AED880 1可以使其降低 ;1 50mg/kg作用非常显著 (P <0 .;0 1 )。
- There was also enough space for brain tissue to splatter nearby employees. 同时也有足够的空间让猪脑组织喷溅到附近雇员的身上。
- AED8801 50,100 and 150mg/kg ip can reduce the level of Glu in brain tissue. 对所测其它氨基酸含量虽有所影响,但均无统计学意义。
- Both 5-HT and 5-HIAA contents in brain tissue were detected by HPLC-ECD. 高效液相-电化学法(HPLC-ECD)测定脑内5-HT、5-HIAA含量。
- The teacher showed the students the pictures of brain tissues. 老师给学生们看脑组织的图片。
- MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The contents of brain water and LPO in brain tissue and SOD activity. 主要观察指标:测定脑含水量,脑组织LPO含量及sod活力的变化。
- The most recent development in treatment of Parkinson's disease is brain tissue transplants. 最新研制的治疗帕金森氏综合症的方法是脑部组织移植,