- He is unwilling to depart from regular practice. 他不愿意背离常规。
- Yet following her regular practice. 然而按照她的惯例。
- He is unwilling to departfrom regular practice. 他不愿意背离常规。
- Lack of regular practice is the main reason. 缺少实际应用的机会,是华文难以巩固的主要原因。
- Making Political Offensives a Regular Practice. 七、把政治攻势经常化。
- We cannot depart from our regular practice in such cases . 在这种情况下,我们不能背离一般的作法。
- What is your regular practice concerning terms of payment? 一般情况下,你们采用什么付款方式?
- What is your regular practice concerning the terms of payment? 你们一般采用什么付款方式?
- Good. What is your regular practice concerning terms of payment? 好的。通常你们采用什么付款方式?
- It wished to see it become a regular practice in WIPO. 它希望看到这能变成WIPO的常规习惯。
- What's your regular practice concerning terms of payment? 你们常用什么付款方式?
- What is your regular practice about terms of payment? 一般情况下你们采取什么付款方式?
- We cannot depart from our regular practice in such cases. 在这种情况下,我们不能背离一般的作法。
- Yet following her regular practice she had shut them before going out. 而她记得在出门买东西前,她按老规矩是把房门一一锁上的。
- In the process,we must conduct a rigorous appraisal of cadres and make it a regular practice to do so. 在整顿过程中,要严格考核干部,并且把它作为一项制度坚持下去。
- Thus democratic centralism has not become a regular practice even in the work of the government. 所以,民主集中主义,在政府工作中也用得不习惯。
- Regular practice of these exercises can improve eyesight and prevent shortsighted eye effectively. 经常做工种按摩对提高视力和预防近视很有效。
- From the mid 1960s the consignment of dissenters to the forced-labour camps has again become a regular practice. 自20世纪60年代中期开始,将持不同政见者运送强迫劳动营,又成为一种正规的做法。
- In the process, we must conduct a rigorous appraisal of cadres and make it a regular practice to do so. 在整顿过程中,要严格考核干部,并且把它作为一项制度坚持下去。
- Through the regular practice of gratitude, it is possible to shift along the continuum toward merit finding. 事实证明,通过练习感激生活,可以培养乐观主义的生活态度。