- She is still pressing her claim for compensation. 她仍然坚持要求赔偿。
- They disallowed our claim for compensation. 他们否决了我们的索赔要求。
- He was relentless in asking for compensation. 他冷酷无情地要求赔偿。
- He is still pressing his claim for compensation. 他仍然坚持要求赔偿。
- Can you explain this regulation for me? 你能给我解释一下这条规定吗?
- They have put forward a claim for compensation. 他们已经提出索赔。
- How to deal with claims for compensation? 怎样应对索赔?
- He is still pressing her claim for compensation. 他仍坚持索赔。
- She is still pressingher claim for compensation. 她仍然坚持要求赔偿。
- They have put in a claim for compensation. 他们提出赔偿要求。
- Shall we discuss the method for compensation? 我们讨论一下补偿方式怎么样?
- Have to transgress the company's regulation for get the job done. 为了完成工作而不得不违反单位的规则。
- From whom should I ask for compensation? 我们应该向谁要求赔偿呢?
- Regulation for milk involved classification according to use. 牛奶的管理规则包括按用途分级。
- He is still pressing his claim for compensation. 他仍然坚持要求赔偿。
- He hit back with an unfair demand for compensation. 他倒打一耙,要求赔偿。
- It must plan macroscopic regulation for the public service supply. 必须做好对公共服务供给的宏观调控;
- Just now, many people will criticise regulation for being too lax. 也许目前会有很多人批评监管过于宽松。
- They have put in a claim for compensation [damages]. 他们提出了赔偿要求。
- No specific regulation for the time span from ground to accident spot. 应急响应时间未作具体规定。