- relative fixed costs 相对固定费用
- Tracy: And a quote is a fixed cost. 而报价相对是一个更确切的价格。
- Why? Because it can convert fixed costs into variable costs. 为什么?因为它能把固定成本转化为可变成本。
- Fixed costs are applied to a task, and not to a resource. 固定成本应用于任务,而不应用于资源。
- The fixed cost that is associated with the business problem. 与业务问题关联的固定成本。
- Jeff: First,it can provide a relatively fixed site. 杰夫: 首先,它可以提供一个相对固定的场所。
- Fixed costs are the costs incurred for the fixed resources of the firm. 固定费用是指工厂固定资产的那部分费用。
- These costs are usually a combination of rate-based costs and fixed costs. 这些成本通常是浮动成本和固定成本的组合。
- Total costs are the sum of rate-based costs, per-use costs, and fixed costs. 总成本是基于费率的成本、每次使用成本和固定成本的总和。
- Yes, Cost Resources is the resource type for fixed costs assignable to a task. 是的,成本资源是可分配给任务的固定成本的资源类型。
- And unlike fixed costs, you can apply any number of cost resources to a task. 而且与固定成本不同的是,您可以向一个任务应用任意数量的成本资源。
- In addition to the fixed costs, there will be a variable monthly fee. 除固定费用之外,每月还会有机动费用。
- Jeff: First, it can provide a relatively fixed site. 杰夫: 首先,它可以提供一个相对固定的场所;
- If fixed costs are covered by a company's domestic operations, then profits will accrue even faster from exporting. 如果以公司的内销就能收回固定成本,那么利润会因为出口而增长得更快。
- Floating datum method is divide the static of relative fixed datum into two parts that are applied to seismic data before and after NMO respectively and the division is done on CMP gather. 浮动基准面方法是将相对固定基准面的一份静校正量分解成两部分,并分别在动校正前、后应用的一种处理手段,这种分解是以CMP道集为单位的。
- In general,indsutries with high fixed costs are more competitive than those that have high variable costs. 一般上,固定成本高昂的行业会较变动成本高昂的行业更有竞争力。
- Discretionary fixed costs arise from periodic( usually yearly) budget decisions that reflect top management policies. 酌量性固定成本是根据一定时期(常为一年)预算决策确定的成本。这种预算决策反映着最高管理层的策略。
- Overtime, per-use costs, and fixed costs are not included in this example, but can be included in an actual cost. (加班工时、每次使用成本和固定成本没有包含在本示例中,但可以包含在实际成本中)。
- Costs that are in addition to the fixed cost, that can be associated with each customer contact. 除固定成本之外的成本,可以与每个客户联系相关联。
- But relatively fixed battle lines are often to be found in the general run of wars. 但是相对固定的作战线往往见之于一般的战争。