- Specifies the orientation and relative location of a snapline. 指定对线的方向和相对位置。
- A location path expressed this way is a relative location path. 通过这种方式表示的位置路径为相对位置路径。
- An absolute location path consists of / optionally followed by a relative location path. 绝对路径由一个/构成,可以跟一个可选的相对定位路径。
- The directivity of emitter by changing the number and relative location of ultrasonic transducers are simulated. 通过改变换能器数目及之间的相对距离,模拟了超声发射阵的空间指向性。
- All five Yue are named according to their relative locations. 五岳的命名是由各自相对的位置而来的。
- B y analyzing the relative location relationship between the tool and laminae, the interference is divided into three kinds. 通过分析刀具与叶轮曲面的相对位置关系,将干涉分为三种类型。
- At least one of these estimates involves an estimate of relative location between one of the first and second devices and a third device. 这些估计中的至少一个包括第一和第二装置中的一个和一个第三装置之间的相对位置估计。
- To avoid this inaccurate matching we match several points close to the center of the object and pick the most promising matching by checking of relative location accuracy. 为了避免这种匹配错误的现象发生,我们选择靠近物体中心的几点进行匹配,并且通过彼此位置的调整来选取最接近的一点。
- It can be seen from the assembly averaged velocity profile that the location of the vortex in the tank changes with the relative location of rofor and stators. 通过集平均处理得到的某一转速及动 /静叶相对位置情况下的速度矢量分布 ;可显示旋涡的位置随动叶和静叶的相对位置而变化 .
- The floating part is calculated by the relative location between two circles, but there is some inaccuracy inevitably because of the unlinear change on image. 小数部分根据弹孔最内侧点在两条靶环之间的相对位置确定。
- The economic region movement refers to spatially relative location changes of region economy things and space-time evolvement process of its structure, shape and organization system. 经济地域运动是指区域经济事物在空间上的相对位置变化及其结构形态、组织体系的时空演化过程。
- The dynamic characteristics of evaporation process for naphtha and crude oil were researched in three aspects of different wind speed, evaporation area and relative location of evaporation surface to ground in wind tunnel. 摘要从环境风速、蒸发面积和蒸发液池与地面相对位置3方面分别对石脑油和原油的蒸发动力学特性进行了风洞实验研究。
- The localization technologies include: scene analyses, relative location technology, COO (Cell of Origin) location, Cell-ID and time advances of arrive, STK (SIM Application Toolkit) method, the intensity of signal location, etc. 基于场景分析的定位技术,基于临近关系的定位技术,COO(Cell of Origin)定位,基于Cell-ID和时间提前量的方法,STK(SIM Application Toolkit)方法,信号强度定位等技术。
- Is our relative strength growing? 我们的相对力量正在增长吗?
- The film actors are on location in Japan. 电影演员在日本拍摄外景。
- They are now living in relative comfort. 他们现在过着比较安逸的生活。
- He is a distant relative of mine. 他是我的一位远亲。
- Choose a central location for your house. 把你的家选在一个便利的地方。
- The boundary of the cavities represents topological information but the boundary of opened holes do not, because some transformations do not conserve relative locations (see the example of Fig. 6). 这些洞的边界表现了拓扑的信息,但是开放的洞并没有,因为一些变形并没有保持相对的位置(见图表6当中的例子)。
- The town is a good location for a young doctor. 这个小镇很适宜于一位青年医生安家。