- relative thinning intensity 相对疏伐强度
- Thinning stands with the thinning intensity of about 20% and 30% had no significant effects on species diversity, biomass of shrub and herb, and physical properties of soil. 各林分的树种组成在12年间基本没有发生变化,即间伐没有显著地改变林分的树种组成,目前的树种组成即落叶松、其他针叶树(云杉、冷杉和红松)和阔叶树组成比约为6:3:1可能是相对稳定的群落。
- A flat, relatively thin container for liquor. 瓶状容器一种平底的相对而言细长的盛液体的容器
- But in the high cost of inputs, limited advertising market and the relative stability of income, Digital pay TV competitiveness is relative thin and scattered. 但是在高额的成本投入,相对稳定而有限的广告市场收入的情况下,数字付费电视的竞争力相对的羸弱分散。
- A smooth,flat,relatively thin,rigid body of uniform thickness. 片光滑的,平整的,比较薄的,均匀厚度的硬物体
- A smooth, flat, relatively thin, rigid body of uniform thickness. 片光滑的,平整的,比较薄的,均匀厚度的硬物体。
- But this is relatively thin gruel compared with the recent past. 但交易量和不久之前相比是杯水车薪。
- A typeface or font of characters having relatively thin, light lines. 细体活字画笔较轻较细的活字或铅字
- A typeface or font of characters having relatively thin,light lines. 细体活字画笔较轻较细的活字或铅字
- Effects of Thinning Intensity on Wood Properties of Slash Pine 间伐强度对湿地松木材性质的影响规律研究
- The surface is the relatively thin covering of soil and unconsolidated rock waste. 浮土是由土壤和未固结岩屑组成的比较薄的覆盖层。
- For example, the glacier melting produces the fresh water forms relatively thin one above a density bigger sea water. 例如,冰川融化产生的淡水在密度更大的海水上面形成相对较薄的一层。
- The skin quality around the knee region includes hairlessness, relatively thin dermis and thin adipose layer. 摘要膝部附近皮肤的特性有毛少、较薄的真皮及脂肪层。
- The relatively thin body of the LAS, such tactics will no doubt be strong and that he bullied opponents. 对于身体相对单薄的阿联而言,这样的战术无疑会让他受到身强体壮的对手欺负。
- The Effects of Thinning Intensity on Wood Qualities of Tilia amurensis 抚育间伐对紫椴木材材质的影响
- He feared the onrushing Germans would trample over the relatively thin line Patton could establish. 他担忧这样的突击会让德国人击破巴顿拉长而薄弱的战线。
- Is our relative strength growing? 我们的相对力量正在增长吗?
- Enping formation was suffered weaker denudation, and the denuded thickness is relatively thin. 恩平组受剥蚀作用较弱,剥蚀厚度较薄。
- Different Thinning Intensity Effect of Fokienia hodginsii Plantation 福建柏人工林不同间伐强度效应试验
- A thick pasty filling is surrounded by a relatively thin (2-3 mm) crust and may contain yolks from salted duck eggs. 厚厚膏体充填的四周是相对清淡(2-3毫米)地壳可能含有蛋黄从板鸭鸡蛋。