- All parties to such procedures shall be duly entitled to substantiate their claims and to present all relevant evidence. 应正式赋予程序中的当事各方证明其权利主张以及出示一切有关证据的权利。
- Supply good, clear, relevant evidence in your appeal to address any deficiencies in your initial application. 在上诉中请提供清楚的,相关的有支持力的证据来说明您初次申请决定中存在的任何缺陷。
- The pre-inspection personnel should have the spot inspection recorded, and collect the relevant evidence. 装运前预检验人员应当认真做好现场检验记录并收集相关见证材料
- The expenses for obtaining relevant evidence of dishonor and for dispatching notices. 取得有关拒绝证明和发出通知书的费用。
- When exercising the right of recourse, the holder shall provide relevant evidence of non - acceptance or non - payment. 第六十二条持票人行使追索权时,应当提供被拒绝承兑或者被拒绝付款的有关证明。
- The application shall clearly set forth causes for application with relevant evidence attached thereto. 申请书应当载明申请理由,并附有关证据。
- And the tort time with respect to 3G portal paragraph, already obtained relevant evidence through notarization. 而就3G门户的侵权时间段,已通过公证取得相关证据。
- Simple assertion, unsubstantiated by relevant evidence, cannot be considered sufficient to meet the requirements of this paragraph. 缺乏有关证据的简单断言不能被视为足以满足本款的要求。
- Control key figures running the space bar entry to the room, a click of the mouse from any suspicious objects access to relevant evidence. 方向键控制人物行走,空格键进入房间,鼠标点取可疑物获取相关证据。
- In the meantime, yi Bao pays to had done relevant evidence to conserve, withhold benefit use statute to safeguard his the right of legal interest. 同时,易宝支付已经做好了相关证据保全,并保留利用法律维护自己合法利益的权利。
- You should address each refusal reason in your appeal. Supply good, clear, relevant evidence in your appeal to address any deficiencies in your initial application. 对于第一次申请中的任何不足之处,您都可以提供更清楚、更有力的相关材料来支持您的申诉申请。
- Defense lawyers are entitled to apply to prosecuting organs and people's courts to collect and provide relevant evidence, and use courts to get witnesses to testify in court. 辩护律师有权请求检察机关、人民法院采集、提供相关证据,并在法院审理中要求证人出庭接受质证。
- Some of the sites infringements, such as unauthorized reprint, copy, as well as changes to the source, and so on, Ben Wang has been commissioned to collect relevant evidence. 本网内容来源于网友及媒体投稿、媒体合作等,其不代表本网观点,若涉及侵权请立即联系我们删除或断开链接,同时欢迎投稿与合作。
- The written pleadings and the relevant evidence materials of trademark review shall be filled in and provided pursuant to the prescribed format and requirements. 商标评审答辩书及有关证据材料应当按照规定的格式和要求填写、提供。
- The demonstration of a causal relationship between the dumped imports and the injury to the domestic industry shall be based on an examination of all relevant evidence before the authorities. 证明倾销进口产品与对国内产业损害之间存在因果关系应以审查主管机关得到的所有有关证据为依据。
- The demonstration of a causal relationship between the subsidized mports and the injury to the domestic industry shall be based on an examination of all relevant evidence before the authorities. 证明补贴进口产品与对国内产业损害之间存在因果关系应以审查主管机关得到的所有有关证据为依据。
- An adversary decisionmaking process like formal adjudication depends upon the litigating parties to gather and present relevant evidence, and to challenge the evidence introduced by other parties. 诸如正式裁决的对抗性决策取决于诉讼当事人的相关证据的收集和呈递及对对方当事人提出的证据的质疑。
- The ownership of an unregistered building and of the land use right shall be determined on the basis of the approval document for the land use right, and other relevant evidence, as well. 未登记的建筑物和土地使用权,依据土地使用权的审批文件和其他相关证据确定权属。
- Any sanction to bar the defaulting party from adducing the relevant evidence may not help the innocent party, as he may be deprived of the benefit of documents damaging to the defaulting party's case. 禁止违约方出具相关证据的任何惩处可能无助于守约方,因为他可能被剥夺了获得对违约方案情不利的文件。
- Paradoxically, the only time the court can deliver the subpoena is when all relevant evidences are prepared. 2颇具矛盾的是,仅当全部相关证据准备妥当时,法庭才能将传票递出。