- relevant western literatures 西文相关文献
- The Virginian opens up a new field in American western literature. 牛仔西部小说由此迈出了美国西部文学发展史上的重要一步。
- The reasons of making Chinese readers often misunderstand the Western literatures to a certain degree result from language translation on one hand and the Chinese expressive habits on the other hand. 一方面由于语言翻译的问题,另一方面也涉及中文表达习惯,经常会使中国读者对西方文献产生某种程度上的误读。
- He was a writer who had sent shock waves through Western literature. 他是一位在西方文学界引起强烈反响的作家。
- Having been fed on humanism in both the Hebrew and Greek literatures, the Humanist literature of the Renaissance had nurtured the motif of "man" for modern western literature. 摘要本文认为文艺复兴时期人文主义文学在汲取“两希”文学的人文养料后,孕育出了西方文学现代形态里“人”的母题。
- The Bible is one of the most important sources of western literature. 《圣经》是西方文学最重要的源泉之一,对西方作家产生了广泛而深远的影响。
- In terms of Western literature, it reminds me of Tolkien's Lord of the Rings. 在西方文学方面,它使我想起托尔金的[指环王]。
- Greek Epic poet,two of the greatest works in Western literature,the Iliad and the Odyssey,are attributed to him. 荷马希腊史诗作者创作了西方文学最伟大的两部作品伊利亚特和奥德赛。
- The comtemporary Afro-American feminism literature and criticism is a new thought in the field of contemporary western literature and criticism. 摘要美国黑人女性文学与批评是当代西方文学与批评领域的新思潮。
- Greek epic poet.Two of the greatest works in Western literature,the Iliad and the Odyssey,are attributed to him. 荷马希腊史诗作者创作了西方文学最伟大的两部作品伊利亚特和奥德赛
- And the part of image refers to the use of images in Afro-American folk culture and in western literature field. 意象方面主要指对文化喻指意象的使用。
- These facts are relevant to the case. 这些事实和此案有关。
- Ernest Hemingway is one of the most outstanding novelists in the history of western literature. 海明威是西方文学史上最杰出的小说家之一。
- Faust is an artistic figure that has very rich and complex connotation in Western literature. 摘要浮士德是西方文学中思想内涵十分丰富复杂的艺术形象。
- She gobbled up all the relevant information. 她如饥似渴地收集一切有关的信息。
- The fate was one of the most obvious aesthetical factors of the tragic spirit in Western literature. 摘要命运是西方悲剧精神最有代表性的审美要素之一。
- Greek epic poet. Two of the greatest works in Western literature, the Iliad and the Odyssey, are attributed to him. 荷马希腊史诗作者创作了西方文学最伟大的两部作品伊利亚特和奥德赛
- We present a case of GON and relevant literatures were reviewed. 本文报告我们所经历之一例,并回顾最近之文献,供临床医师参考。
- Western literature,especially Eng lish literature,is deeply in fluenced by Christian ity in their developm ent. 西方文学,特别是英国文学,在其发展过程中深受基督教的影响。
- Part 1 reviews the relevant literatures on IJV and performance. 本文共有六个部分组成:第一部分回顾IJV以及绩效相关文献;