- This paper tries to ana lyse the development, main point and character of his culture concept, and make a fair appraise of the historical status of his cultural concept. 解读其文化观的发展轨迹、旨、征,并对其文化观的历史地位进行公允的评价。
- The results of RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA) ana lysis showed that genetic variation was obvious between the univoltin e ecotype and the bivoltine ecotype. 采用RAPD方法对发生在吉林省的亚洲玉米螟一、二化性类型作了分析。
- Seconely, using Japanis facsimile data, and through correlation ana lysis, four predictors are sifted out with clear physical meaing and fai- rly good effect . 然后,从日本气象厅发布的数值预告传真图资料中,通过相关普查,筛选出物理意义清楚、效果较好的四个预报因子。
- There was no si gnificant difference in puerperal morbidity,and in the results of blood gas ana lysis between umbilic al vein and femoral artery(P0.05,P0.05). 两组各自脐静脉和股动脉血血气分析对比无显著性差异(P>0.;05)。
- F ig.3 W estern b lot ana lysis of an ti-peptide an tibod ies usingrecom b inan t M SP-2 prote in and w ho le an tigens of cu lturedfa lciparum parasites. 图3抗合成肽抗体对重组M SP-2和恶性疟全抗原的免疫印迹分析。A:抗SG SQ SSTN S血清;B:抗DTPTATES血清;C:抗DGKGEESEKG血清;
- Based on the ana lysis of the position and living condition in the world market for the external software industry, the pap er presents the development strategy o f Chinese software industry in future. 在对国外软件产业在世界市场中所处的地位及其生存环境分析的基础上,本文提出了中国软件产业今后的发展策略。
- Based on thermodynamics principle,the feasibility for melting iron borings in cupola was ana lysed. 从热力学角度分析了在冲天炉内熔炼铸铁切屑的可行性。
- And the factors that affected fibrillation were ana lysed mainly in the miscibility. 并着重就相容性方面阐述了影响成纤的因素。
- Wavelet Transfer Based Smoothing Principal Component Ana lysis 基于小波变换平滑主成分分析
- The rece nt developments of studies on the structure, configuration and conformation ana lyses of saccharide by NMR and MS were reviewed. 本文就核磁共振波谱和质谱两种分析手段用于糖类结构、构型和构象研究的最新进展作一综述。
- Retrospective ana lysis for 80 patients of brain abscess 80例脑脓肿手术治疗的回顾分析
- Keywords outpatient;farmer;need;demand;multiple variable ana lysis; 门诊患者;农业人口;需要;需求;多因素分析;
- Closed-Chain-Assembly Approach to Spatial Linkage Position Ana lysis 空间连杆机构位置分析的闭链装配法
- I can vouch for the reliability of the machines. 我可以保证这些机器的可靠性。
- The performances and characteristiss of the zero crossing digital demodulation is ana lysed through the comparison of various ways of Fsk signal digital demodulation. And ideal conclusion is reached. 对各种频移键控信号的数字解调方法进行了研究和比较,并重点分析了零交点数字解调法的性能特征,最后得出了一个最佳结论.
- METHODS: Ninety people(180 normal eyes)had flow velocity measured by CDI in three vessels,ophthalmic artery(OA),central retinal artery(CRA) and posterior ciliary artery(PCA),and the relations between velocity and affecting factors were ana lysed. 方法:用CDI测量90例(180只眼)正常人眼动脉(ophthalmicartery,OA),视网膜中央动脉(centralretinalartery,CRA),睫状后动脉(posteri-orciliaryartery,PCA)的血流参数,分析其与影响因素间关系。
- Abstract: The performances and characteristiss of the zero crossing digital demodulation is ana lysed through the comparison of various ways of Fsk signal digital demodulation. And ideal conclusion is reached. 文摘:对各种频移键控信号的数字解调方法进行了研究和比较,并重点分析了零交点数字解调法的性能特征,最后得出了一个最佳结论.
- Marked by or exhibiting a lack of reliability. 不可靠的以缺乏可靠性为特征的或显示出缺乏可靠性的
- Through designing for finishing pass and ana lysing for rolling shaped of round bar,puts forward reasonable determining metho d for out of roundness of round bar produced by national standard and the devel oping trend of round bar finishing pass design. 通过对圆钢成品孔型成熟设计和轧制成型的分析,提出了国标圆钢不圆度较合理的测定方法以及圆钢成品孔型设计的发展趋势。