- That is why the cross has a power above any other religious symbol ever chosen! 因此十字架拥有的能力,是别的宗教象徵没有的。
- Mr.Sarkozy said the burqa is not a religious symbol, but rather one that lowers the status of women. 萨克奇说,布卡不是宗教的象征,而是贬低妇女地位的行为。
- Is the doll more important as a piece of art, or as a religious symbol for the Hopi? 这偶像作为一个艺术品和作为霍皮人的宗教象征,哪个更重要?
- An ancient cosmic or religious symbol formed by a Greek cross with the ends of the arms bent at right angles in either a clockwise or a counterclockwise direction. 万字饰:一个古老的宇宙或宗教象征,由希腊十字的各端成顺时针或逆时针字弯成直角而形成。
- Sometimes worldly rulers draw on religious symbolism to enforce their authority, impress their subjects or legitimise war. 有些时候,世俗统治者利用宗教符号来强化其权威,打动其子民或是让战争合法化。
- In the Middle Ages, Christians in Europe added lights and religious symbols to evergreens to make Christmas trees. 在中世纪,欧洲的基督徒在万年青上面加上灯光和宗教象徵物成为圣诞树。
- Filipinos are mostly Catholic. The various kinds of religious symbols make a beautiful picture. 菲人多信奉天主教,各式各样的圣牌,织出一幅漂亮的画面。
- They place religious symbolism in an unconventional context in order to provoke a different mode of perception. 他们把宗教象征主义放在一个非传统的范围内,以挑起不同的认知模式。
- The 2004 headscarf ban outlawed “conspicuous” religious symbols of all faiths. 2004年的头巾禁令使“引人注目的”各种信仰的宗教象征不再合法。
- KS: We can see in the drawings a number of religious gestures or allusions to religious symbolism. 在画面中,我们可以看到很多宗教手势或对宗教符号的暗示。
- This black rod carved of darkly stained wood as inset with religious symbols of various deities. 这根黑色的权杖以黝黑染就的木头所雕成,其上镶嵌著各色神祇之教徽。
- Being deeply influenced by religion, James Joyce, author of Araby, employs a great number of religious symbols in his novel. 作者詹姆斯? 乔伊斯,深受宗教影响,在小说中运用了大量宗教象征符号。
- In France Muslim headscarves, along with all ostentatious religious symbols, have been banned at state schools since 2004. 法国自2004年起禁止穆斯林头巾与其它明显宗教标志在公立学校出现。
- In 2004, France banned the wearing of “conspicuous” religious symbols, including the Muslim headscarf, in state schools, hospitals and administrative buildings. 2004年,法国已经禁止在国立学校、医院和政府办公场所穿戴任何“明显”带有宗教色彩的服装,包括穆斯林头巾。
- The chemical symbol for copper is "Cu". 铜的化学符号是Cu。
- There have been a series of rows in schools in recent years over the right of pupils to wear religious symbols or clothing, such as crucifixes and veils. 最近在校园里有许多一连串类似穿戴宗教信仰标志的权利争取,例如:戴十字苦架与面纱。
- Protesters have deliberately dressed modestly, enlisting religious symbolism to appeal to the notions of injustice and redemption that lie at the heart of Shia Islam. 抗议者故意穿得很朴实,引入宗教主义来控诉什叶派穆斯林对不公和赎罪的看法。
- On maps, a cross is the symbol for a church. 在地图上,十字符号代表教堂。
- Cypress branches used as a symbol of mourning. 柏枝作为悲哀象征的柏树枝
- We use x as the symbol for an unknown quantity. 我们用x表示一个未知数。