- He set up a shining example for us. 他给我们树立了光辉的榜样。
- He has set a shining example to us all. 他给我们大家树立了一个光辉榜样。
- He's a shining example of a hard-working pupil. 他是用功的学生; 是优秀的榜样.
- He have set a shining example to us all . 他给我们大家树立了一个光辉榜样。
- He have set a shining example to us all. 他给我们大家树立了一个光辉榜样。
- She has set a shining example of loyal service over four decades. 四十年间,她树立了一个忠诚服务的光辉榜样。
- She is a shining example of what people with disabilities can achieve. 她为残疾人有所作为树立了光辉的榜样。
- We looked up to you as a shining example of devotion to the scientific cause. 我们把你看作为献身于科学事业的光辉榜样。
- By being a reflection of peacefulness, you are a shining example of God's love. 在平安中的你是上主之爱活生生的例证.
- Friends regarded Karen and Jeff as a shining example of a happily married couple. 朋友认为卡伦和杰夫是婚姻的光辉典范。
- They look up to him as a shining example of devotion to the revolutionary cause. 他们都把他看作忠于革命事业的光辉榜样。
- Their friends think Phillip and Joan are a shining example of a happily married couple. 朋友们都认为菲利普和琼是美满夫妻的典范。
- France is a shining example of feudalism in its rawest, and arguably, most delicate form. 法国是封建制度的最野蛮、最可论证的、最精致的形式的典型代表。
- Pittsburgh is seen as a shining example of how a one-time depressed US industrial city has managed to successfully regenerate itself. 匹兹堡被视为一个闪亮的例子,其以前是一个萧条的美国工业城市,但已成功设法令自己再生。
- The project is a shining example of collaboration between academia and the industrial community in helping to advance technology and the well being of the community at large. 这项合作计划正好是学术及工业界为提高科技发展及生活水平共同努力的最佳体现。
- I want to take a moment with you all to recognize this marvellous stadiums. The “Bird's Nest” is a shining example of China's commitment to a modern world. 此刻,我想与大家一同欣赏这座美轮美奂的体育场。“鸟巢”是一个活生生的例证,象征着中国对于建设现代化世界的承诺。
- She had thought to remain a bystander. 她想保持局外人的角色。
- The carpenter cane along and screwed a shining brass on. 一个木匠过来把一个发亮的铜牌拧在了上面。
- I think Richard has taken a bit of a shine to you. 我觉得理查有点喜欢上你了。
- The creation of life remains a mystery. 生命的创造仍是个谜。