- To remain close to you throughout the evening. 今晚一整晚您都做我的舞伴好吗。
- For the duration of the strike we will remain closed. 罢工期间,我们将停业。
- He mentored Ma three decades ago at Harvard and they remain close. 他三十年前曾经担任马英九在哈佛大学的指导教授,两人一直保持亲近的关系。
- The bridge will remain closed until essential repair work has been carried out. 在基本修缮工作完成之前,这座桥暂时关闭。
- When I got to his home, the door remained closed. 当我到他家时,门仍然关着。
- The door remained closed and the platform empty. 看台的那道门还紧闭着,台上空无一人。
- Others feel that even with a degree, doors will remain closed simply because the graduate is Puerto Rican. 另一些人认为,即使得到学位,这个波多黎各毕业生仍将吃闭门羹。
- If this option is not selected, files that were not already open for editing remain closed. 如果未选中此选项,则尚未打开以进行编辑的文件将保持关闭状态。
- Norris Hall, a classroom building where most of the shootings took place will remain closed for the semester. 枪击的主要发生地诺里斯教学楼本学期将停止使用。
- She rammed the door for a long time but it remained closed. 她使劲撞了半天门,但门依然紧闭。
- Keep turning over until all the mussels have opened - throw away any that remain closed. 持续翻炒直到所有蚌都打开,没有开的就丢掉。
- Miles of San Diego County beaches remain closed to swimmers after a deadly shark attack. 由于有游客被鲨鱼咬死,圣地亚哥数英里的海滩持续关闭。
- Three suburban districts say they will remain closed until next Monday because of last week's record snowfall. 三个远郊地区表示由于上周那场史无前例的降雪,他们将维持封闭状态到下周一。
- On dull days the flowers remain closed, revealing their full beauty only in the sunshine. 沉闷的天气下花儿不会开放,只有在阳光下它们才会充分展现自己的美丽。
- Elbows must never be placed on the table; they should remain close to the side of your body when eating. 不能将肘部放在桌上,在用餐途中肘部要一直紧贴身体两侧。
- If this option is not selected, files that were not already open for editing will remain closed, and no Undo option will be available in those files. 如果未选择此选项,尚未打开进行编辑的文件将会保持关闭,而且“撤消”选项在那些文件中将不可用。
- The kick begins as the head goes forward and down. The elbows remain close to the surface of the water at all times. 当头部向前向下时开始做踢腿动作。肘部自始至终贴近水面。
- I surely know the hundred petals of lotus will not remain closed forever and the secret recess of its honey will be bared. 我坚信荷花的百瓣不可能永远闭合,它深藏的花蜜一定会显露出来。
- Aged raw puerh should have leaves that unfurl when brewed while leaves of most ripened puerh will generally remain closed. 陈年生普洱的叶子会在冲泡的时候自动展开,而熟普洱茶的叶子会保持收缩的。
- I surely know the hundred petals of a lotus will not remain closed for ever and the secret recess of its honey will be bared. 我准知道莲花的百瓣不会永远团合,深藏的花蜜定将显露。