- Ventricular width and intraorbital distance generally remain unaffected. 眼内径和侧脑室宽径不受影响。
- The turnover rate generally remained stable. 员工流失率维持稳定。
- So it is with people: except in unusual circumstances, the effects of our own culture generally remain imperceptible to us. 人也是这样:除非在不同寻常的情况下,文化对我们的影响通常不为我们所注意。
- The CICC deal provides evidence ofhow far apart the expectations of potential buyerssellers generally remain. 中金公司的交易表明,潜在买家与卖家之间的预期通常会相差何其之远。
- They congregate in flocks that can number in the hundreds of thousands, but flamingos generally remain monogamous for life. 火烈鸟的男性都爱丈夫和细心的父亲。他们聚集的群体可以人数在数十万,但红鹳一般保持一夫一妻制的生活。
- The situation in the South China Sea remains generally stable. 南海地区形势基本保持稳定。
- Aged raw puerh should have leaves that unfurl when brewed while leaves of most ripened puerh will generally remain closed. 陈年生普洱的叶子会在冲泡的时候自动展开,而熟普洱茶的叶子会保持收缩的。
- We all know people who have had a relatively easy life yet are essentially unhappy. And we know people who have suffered a great deal but generally remain happy. 我们都知道:那些过着安逸舒适生活的人实际上并不一定幸福。但是那些承受着艰苦生活的人却过的很愉快。
- May to August are hot and humid with occasional showers and thunderstorms,particularly during the mornings.Afternoon temperatures often exceed 31 degrees,but at night temperatures generally remain around 26 degrees. 五月至八月的天气炎热潮湿,间中有骤雨和雷暴,骤雨和雷暴在上午尤为常见,下午气温经常升逾摄氏31度,晚上则保持在摄氏26度左右。
- A reaction generally remains fixed in elevation even though it carries a force. 即使承受力,通常反力还是在垂直面内维持固定不变。
- Like the processes that regulate your heartbeat, daemonic applications generally remain completely invisible, competently performing their process as long as your computer is turned on. 就像掌控我们心跳的进程一样,后台应用通常也是完全隐形的。 只要计算机还开着,它就在依然在执行其进程。
- May to August are hot and humid with occasional showers and thunderstorms, particularly during the mornings.Afternoon temperatures often exceed 31 degrees, but at night temperatures generally remain around 26 degrees. 五月至八月的天气炎热潮湿,间中有骤雨和雷暴,骤雨和雷暴在上午尤为常见,下午气温经常升逾摄氏31度,晚上则保持在摄氏26度左右。
- The economy remains generally healthy, they say, and builders have slowed down to avoid a pileup of unsold homes. 他们说经济仍将保持总体上的健康态势,建筑商也减少房屋供应以避免空置房的囤积。
- However, despite recent rains, conditions for drought-stricken areas in the Atlanta and Richmond Districts remained generally poor. 但另一方面,虽然近来出现了降雨,但亚特兰大和里士满旱灾地区的形势依然不佳。
- Demand for nonfinancial services remained generally positive, although some Districts commented on continuing weak demand for transportation services. 非金融服务业的需求总体上走势向好,但部分储备区表示,运输服务的需求依然低迷。
- The appetide generally remains good, but fear of the pain may prevent adequate intake with loss of weight. 食欲一般尚好,但由于患者惧怕疼痛,不能摄入足够的食物,以致体重减轻。
- In fact, the writing was forgotten by the Imazighen but remained generally used only in Imazighen Tuareg thanks to their geographical remoteness and the beautiful sahara ... 实际上,文字被柏柏尔人遗忘,但其中的图阿雷格人仍然保持了日常的使用。这得益于他们偏避的地理位置和美丽的撒哈拉。。。
- Although forest coverage rose and fell,it generally remained at a level of 76.8%. 森林覆盖率虽有起伏;但基本稳定在76.;8%25的较高水平上;
- Steel analysts, noting that the market remains generally weak, said the proposed price increases may reflect decreased inventories rather than stronger demand. 钢铁分析师指出,市场仍然普遍疲软,涨价计划可能是受存货减少而非需求增强推动。