- OECD also projects that inflation will remain subdued at 2% up to 2008. OECD还预计到2008年,通胀也将被有力控制在2%25左右。
- The IMF's Mr Citrin said that the underlying inflation should remain “subdued” with inflation expectations “well anchored”. IMF的西特林先生说,由于通胀预期比较稳定,潜在的通货膨胀应当可以保持平缓。
- Hence, sceptics say, business spending will remain subdued, while a lack of household income growth will dampen demand growth once interest rate and tax cuts loses their potency. 因此,他们表示商业支出将持续低迷,而由于家庭收入没有提高,一旦利率和税收减让失去效力,需求的增长就会受到抑制。
- However, mergers and acquisitions remain subdued despite a recovery in the Asian stock markets as indicated by a 35% rebound in the MSCI Asia-Pacific Index. 然而,虽然MSCI亚太指数反弹35%25显示亚洲股市复苏,但并购活动依然消沉。
- Although prices of energy and commodities have risen lately, the Fed said that it expected “resource slack” to dampen prices and that inflation would remain subdued for some time. 虽然能源和大宗商品价格近期上涨,但美联储表示,它预期“资源需求松弛”将压低价格,通胀将在一段时间内处于低位。
- The housing market has also remained subdued, with the various house price indices indicating real price declines. 房屋市场也持续疲弱不振,各种不同的房价指数均显示实值房价下跌。
- Overall, then, the growth of domestic demand remains subdued, rather than overheated, relative to the rapid growth of potential and actual output. 如此看来,相对于潜在和实际产出的快速增长,国内需求的增长总体而言仍然处于被抑制状态,而非过热。
- The global economypulled out of recession in 2002 and ispredicted to grow this year by about 4 percent. The threat of deflation has receded, yetinflation remains subdued. 全球经济步出了2002年时的衰退,预计今年将增长4%25左右。通货紧缩的威胁消退了,通货膨胀也处在掌控之中。
- Despite higher consumer prices in America and the euro area, wage growth has remained subdued and real wages have fallen, which has prevented inflation from becoming entrenched. 尽管美国和欧洲的消费者价格较高,工资增长仍然是减弱的,实际工资甚至在下降,这防止了通胀的加强。
- EXAMPLE : The global economypulled out of recession in 2002 and ispredicted to grow this year by about 4 percent. The threat of deflation has receded, yetinflation remains subdued. 例证:全球经济步出了2002年时的衰退,预计今年将增长4%25左右。通货紧缩的威胁消退了,通货膨胀也处在掌控之中。
- Napoleon subdued most of Europe. 拿破伦征服了大半个欧洲。
- Human life and turnip remain cheap and plentiful. 人命与萝卜依然是多而且便宜。
- No one can remain youthful forever. 没有人能永保青春。
- The Spaniards subdued the Indian tribes in Mexico. 西班牙人征服了墨西哥的印第安部落。
- The police told everybody to remain in their cars. 警察叫大家都留在车里。
- The ashes that remain after cremation of a corpse. 骨灰尸体火化后留下来的灰烬
- I remain dubious about her motives. 我对她的动机仍存疑念。
- He managed to remain cool by swimming occasionally. 他不时地游泳来使自己保持凉快。
- Students must remain in residence during term. 学生於学期中必须住校。
- The rules will remain in effect until October. 这些规章将实施到十月份为止。