- The old man spent his remaining years in happiness. 老人过着幸福的晚年。
- He had to spend his remaining years in prison. 他只能在监狱中了此残生。
- His ideals will be realized in his remaining years. 他的理想会在有生之年实现。
- For the remaining year of staying here in Taiwan. 至于在台湾的这段时间,我会善加利用时间来学习中文。
- He was dragging out his remaining years in decrepit health. 他正度着风烛残年。
- She dedicated her remaining years to the cause of science. 她把余年献给科学事业。
- He passed the remaining years of his life in loneliness and sorrow. 他在寂寞和悲伤中度过他的余生。
- This is the first time to hospitalize in his remaining years. 这是他生命中的第一次住院。
- He advised me to utilize the remaining years of my transitory life in self uplift and social service. 他建议我把我的短暂的有生之年奉献到自我提升和社会服务上来。
- Makes a debut 20 remaining years of life, he is still young, enlivens in the entertainment world. 出道20余年,他依然年轻,活跃在娱乐圈。
- The old man lost his wife and son, and led a desolate life for his remaining years. 这个老人妻儿俱亡晚年过着落寞的生活。
- Or, he says, maybe people have seen others their age die and they value more their own remaining years. 或者,他指出,可能是人们看到了同龄人死亡后更加珍惜有生之年这一原因。
- Santideva never returned to Nalanda but lived out his remaining years in south India. 馀下的岁月,寂天居住在南印度,从没有回到那烂陀。
- Sincere、amiable、kindhearted single-minded to love for a long time with together, with celebrating remaining years. 市领导赵零(中)、刘善壁(右)、殷增涛(左)与市民欢度节日。收藏指正
- Being grateful to Master for saving my life, I will especially cherish my remaining years and practice more diligently to repay Master for Her grace. 感谢师父的救命之恩,我会更加珍惜有生之年,精进修行,以回报师恩。
- Beautiful young ladies starring in an opera or stage show will someday end up becoming grannies moping their remaining years away around a fire. 歌剧中,舞台上的如花的少女,就是将来火炉旁边的老婆子,
- By signing a contract, Ervin would have forfeited his amateur status and surrendered his remaining years of college eligibility. 如果签了合同,埃尔文就将失去业余的身份,并放弃剩余几年的大学参赛资格。
- Their family is famous magnate in the coastal provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Fujian and Guangdong during the remaining years of the Qing dynasty. 他们家是清代末年南洋一带有名的富豪。
- In the remaining years of the Tang dynasty, the country was shattered by bureaucrats, and national power declined gradually. 唐朝末年官僚乱政,国力衰退。
- He's been in and out of prison for years. 他多年来屡次进出监狱。