- There is a great need for all-round and effective remediation technology for contaminated soils. 随着土壤污染组分的日益复杂化,等待着全面、高效的修复技术的研制。
- Bioventing is an effective and inexpensive in-situ remediation technology for contaminated soils. 生物通风是一种去污效果好、操作费用低的土壤原位修复技术。
- Soil pollution and remediation technology are reviewed, especially the biological technology in remediation of organic contaminated soil is introduced. 文章就土壤污染及其修复技术进行了阐述,特别介绍了有机污染土壤的生物修复技术。
- Residual saturation of NAPLs in vadose zone is an important parameter in modeling the migration of NAPLS and selecting remediation technology. 包气带中非混溶液体的残余饱和度是模拟其迁移及选择治理方案的一个重要参数。
- Soil vapor extraction (SVE) as an emerging in-situ remediation technology has been applied to remove subsurface pollution of petroleum chemicals all over the world. 土壤气相抽提(SVE)是全球石油污染土壤修复的迫切需求下应用的新兴原位技术,其理论相对滞后,有必要进行系统研究。
- Non-uniform electrokinetics (NUEK) is a remediation technology under development, one of its advantages is that it does not disturb the natural environment during remediation. 摘要非均匀电动力学技术是正在发展中的环境修复技术,其特点之一是不破坏原有的环境系统。
- Soil vapor extraction (SVE) is an acceptable remediation technology for soil contaminated by organic compounds, it holds security, high efficiency and economy properties. 土壤气体抽排净化技术是一种安全、高效、经济的有机污染土壤治理技术。
- Compared with the traditional remediation technologies, the permeable reactive barriers/wall technology has the characteristics of less cost an... 与传统修复技术相比,可渗透反应格栅/墙技术具有经济、长效等特点。
- It's very important to study remediation technology of temporary land use after construction for improving ecological environment and landscape environment along both sides of the highway. 临时用地复垦是一门新兴应用技术,加强高速公路建设临时用地的建后复垦技术研究,对改善高速公路沿线的生态环境和景观环境,具有重要意义。
- Remediation technologies for contaminated sites at the present in the world is summarized. 摘要本文旨在归纳总结目前国内外对污染场地的修复的各种技术。
- Based on soil properties and suitability assessment, effect of remediation technologies on reclaimed land is discussed. 并根据临时用地的土壤特性分析和适宜性评价结果,探讨了临时用地的复垦技术及其对复垦土地的影响。
- Currently there are three kinds of remediation technologies including physical, chemical and bioremediation. 目前底泥修复主要有物理修复、化学修复和生物修复三大类技术。
- Finally the groundwater pollution remediation technologies have been considered, and the principals of groundwater pollution control and remediation in China have been discussed. 提出了建立地下水污染的预警系统,为污染的预防奠定基础;介绍了地下水污染的控制与修复技术,并对地下水污染防控和治理的基本原则进行了探讨。
- Based on the mechanisms of AMD formation,advanced and economical microbiological remediation technologies should be developed for synthetic remediation of the AMD. 针对AMD的形成机理,应积极研究开发先进的生物处理技术,对该矿山的AMD进行综合治理。
- To conclude, the possible remediation technologies for this dye plant are biological remediation, landfill treatment, incineration, MCD, thermal desorption and etc. 综上所述,该染料厂的可能修复技术为生物修复、填埋、焚烧、MCD和热脱附等。
- To conclude, the possible remediation technologies for the chemical plant include vitrification, incineration, thermal desorption and landfill treatment. 综上所述,化工厂场地的可能修复技术为玻璃化、焚烧、热脱附和填埋。
- The remedy that there is this brainwashing on the world at present or remedial technology? 目前世界上有这洗脑的药物或治疗技术啊?
- Remediation Technology for Polluted Sediment 污染底泥修复研究探讨
- cold-adapted remediation technology 低温生物修复技术