- In the last part, the writer designed the remedy system of the coercive execution of administration. 第五部分设计了行政强制执行的救济制度。
- In the end, an elementary suggestion is put forward to set up legal control system and remedy system of AFA in substantive and procedural law. 文章最后,在前文分析的基础上,从程序法和实体法等方面,对行政事实行为的法律控制和救济制度的构建作了初步设想。
- Finally, it is essential to include the probation supervision into social remedy system so as to perfect the probation supervision. 最后,将对缓刑人员的监督考察纳入社区矫正体系,是完善监督考察方式的必由之路,是真正实现对缓刑人员的监督考察的必要保障。
- It is necessary to perfect legal remedy system to interested person in legislation to provide interested persons may be brought invalidating judgment. 立法上有必要完善对利害关系人的法律救济制度,规定利害关系人可提起撤销除权判决之诉。
- The choice of the communal remedy subjects decides to a certain extent the development scope and efficacy of the communal remedy system. 摘要社区矫正对象的选择,在一定程度上决定了社区矫正制度在未来的发展空间和实际效能。
- In the epilogue, this thesis appeals to the construction of remedy system of administrative contract earlier to insure the realization of liability of administrative contract. 结语中,论文呼吁早日构筑行政契约救济机制,以确保行政契约责任的实现。
- As one of the main parts of modern social security system, industrial injury insurance evolves from modern torts act.Several remedy system have been set up and coexisted. 摘要工伤保险制度由近代侵权行为法规范逐渐演变为现代社会保险之主要内容,并形成多种损害填补制度并存的局面。
- Either in the research on disputes-resolving mechanism or on administrative remedy system, lettering and visiting is on the verge or has never been acknowledged at all. 信访无论是在纠纷解决机制的研究中还是在行政救济制度的研究中,都处于非常边缘的位置,甚至根本不被承认。
- The internal personnel administration of administrative apparatus has a strong inflence on the civil servant's interest, but current administrative remedy isn't enough to defend their legal right, so it is imperative to draw into new remedy system. 行政机关的内部人事管理行为对公务员的权益产生重大影响,但现行的内部行政救济体制并不足以维护公务员的合法权益,引入新的救济机制势在必行。
- From three views on economics of regulation,jurisprudence and law,and economics,this paper analyzes the necessities of introducing the delay remedy system into China s dedicated passenger lines. 本文从规制经济学、法理学和法经济学三个视角,对我国客运专线引入晚点救济机制的必要性进行了初步阐述。
- And maybe the dividend distributing system and the remedy system for the deadlock are the directest systems correlative to the shareholder interest protection. 与股东预期利益保护最直接相关的制度是利润分配制度和公司僵局的救济制度。
- administrative registration remedy system 行政登记救济制度
- The plaintiff is seeking remedy through the court. 原告通过法院请示获得救济。
- The main text makes a probe into the following issues as the definition, classification, status, legal control of administrative factual act (AFA) and the establishment of remedy system to AFAThe first chapter is about the general theory of AFA. 正文部分探讨了行政事实行为概念的定义、行政事实行为的分类、行政事实行为的定位以及行政事实行为的法律控制和行政事实行为救济制度的构建等问题。 正文第一章是有关行政事实行为的一般理论。
- In realities, public interest should not have absolute priority to civil rights so it is necessary to establish policy negotiation, dialogue and remedial system. 现实中的公共利益对于公养基本权利不应具有绝对的“宰制权”,故而政策协商、对话和补救机制的建立理应成为题中之义。
- Matter turning worse advise what remedy. 情况不妙,请电告补救方案。
- I suppose you also have a caste system in your society. 我想你们的社会里也有一种等级制度。
- The right to dissent is part of our political system. 有持异议的权利是我们政治体制的组成部分。
- So that is your effective remedy. 原来那就是你们所谓的有效药物。
- If I made a mistake, I will try to remedy it. 我如果有错的话,我会改正的。