- remote downloading site 远程下装点
- Apache Software Foundation download site. 及其镜像站点下载。
- It works, every time, barring the infrequent occasions when the software's download site is unresponsive. 这很有用,除非不很常见的情况,比如当该软件的下载站点反应较慢时。
- A comma is not a valid character for the description or region field of a download site. 不能在下载站点的说明或区域域中使用逗号。
- The download site shows a later version number of the package than what Fink has. 下载的网站显示一个比Fink里面更新的版本号。
- If you are distributing your package via CD or multiple floppies only, you do not need to set up a download site. 如果您仅使用光盘或多张软盘分装软件包,则不必建立下载站点。
- The user will run setup from the floppy and then download the components from your user download site. 用户运行该软盘上的安装程序,并从用户下载站点下载组件。
- Special software is needed for steganography, and there are freeware versions available at any good download site. 有些软件使用速记式加密,有许多好的网站提供这些免费版本的下载。
- What Office programs does the Office Online Downloads site support? Office Online下载网站支持哪些Office程序?
- To obtain the updated version of this enhanced tutorial project required to continue with this tutorial, you must download the updated samples from the Microsoft download site. 若要获取继续此教程所需的增强教程项目的已更新版本,您必须从Microsoft下载网站下载已更新的示例。
- The standard Setup experience. The user selects the type of installation, download site, and installation folder. The user sees all progress dialogs and error messages. 标准安装经验。由用户选择安装类型、下载站点和安装文件夹。用户可以看到所有进度对话框和出错消息。
- Early today, however, several Microsoft domains, including the main page and the designated download site, were overwhelmed by users eager to grab the beta. 早在今天;然而;几(个)个微软域名;包括主页和指定的下载页;受不了渴望抢先得到测试版的用户.
- Choose your download site carefully. Not all sites test software for stability, usability, spyware, and viruses. 认真选择下载网站.;并不是所有的网站都对软件的稳定性;可用性;侦察功能和病毒进行测试
- You must specify at least one download site for your users to download your package from. You can specify up to ten sites. 必须至少指定一个下载站点以便用户下载您的软件包。最多可以指定十个站点。
- That is remote from his intentions. 那根本不是他的本意。
- That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。
- This category vsekoc lists websit iio related tobomputer softwares. Includ dg software download sites, softw earep orums, and software companys or so. 这个类别列出各种有关软体的网站,包括软体下载网站,以软体为主的论坛,软体公司等等。
- In batch or remote batch entry, a job or job step. 在批处理或远程批处理输入中的一个作业或作业步。
- Increasing your sales by 15% may be a goal, and submitting your shareware to ten more download sites is an actionable step. 销售额提高15%25是个目标,把你的共享软件发布到另外十个下载站点是一个实现的步骤。
- Surf the Web without being watched by dangerous spyware or unwanted adware, and without getting hijacked and redirected to spyware download sites. 你好,我揭发了无良淘宝奸商程家星的无耻行径,如果你也上当过,请帮我把帖子顶起来,让更多网友看到,避免以后再有网友上当受骗。