- remote local controller 远程局部控制器
- Remote processing on a report server is recommended if you require more processing capability than a local control can provide. 如果需要的处理功能比本地控件提供的处理功能更多,则建议使用报表服务器上的远程处理。
- A B-spline curve allows local control over the shape of a spline curve. (B样条曲线允许局部控制曲线的形状。)
- Sunshades shall be provided for local control panels in outdoor locations. 在室外的现场盘应配备遮阳棚。
- Of 59 patients who progressed, 47 relapsed solely from loss of local control. 59例病情进展的患者中,47例单纯因局部失控而复发。
- Najaf was the third of Iraq's 18 provinces to come under local control. 纳杰夫省是伊拉克18个省份中第三个由伊军接管安全控制权的省份。
- Design of CAN Communication of Local Controller for Heating Network Based on DSP. 热网现场控制器的CAN网络通信设计。
- Still, the benefits of rapid ROI, quick deployment and local control are hard to beat. 快速的投资回收、迅速部署和本地控制都难以抗拒的优势。
- Still,the benefits of rapid ROI,quick deployment and local control are hard to beat. 快速的投资回收、迅速部署和本地控制都难以抗拒的优势。
- Good question. Apparently the ghostly music is created by the movement and vibration of perfectly clean and uniform sand particles, which are normally found in remote locales. 问得好。显然,这奇妙的声音是由完全洁净而圆融的沙粒的运动和震动引起的,而这样的沙粒通常都处在偏僻边远的地区。
- When you are 10 miles (16 km) from the runway, the approach controller passes your plane off to the local controller in the airport tower. 在我们的飞机距离着陆跑道还有10英里(16公里)时,降落管制人员将飞机交由机场地面指挥中心本地管制人员管理。
- The system reflects the PLC local control on MCGS monitoring configuration interface through PC/PPI. 系统通过PC/PPI电缆将PLC对现场设备的控制作用反映在MCGS监控组态界面中。
- Ministers may fear that local control of the police would lead to populist law enforcement. 各位部长也担心地方对于警力的控制会造成民粹主义的法律实施。
- Air is supplied to the headbox local control box, microadjustor gears,edge flow valves and dilution water valves. 空气送到头箱本地控制箱,微调齿轮,侧流阀和稀释水阀。
- The bomb was exploded by remote control. 这颗炸弹是遥控引爆的。
- Electric supply device and selector switch for the vacuum pump is located in Local Control Panel on the scraper bridge. 真空泵的配电装置及开关制安装在吸刮泥机上的现场控制盘。
- The missile is guided by remote control. 这导弹是遥控的。
- Therefore, a scavenging application runs best in off-peak hours and interferes as little as possible with local control. 因此,拾遗网格上的应用程序最好是在非高峰时段运行,并且最好尽量少受本地控制的干扰。
- That is remote from his intentions. 那根本不是他的本意。
- That remote barren land has blossomed into rich granaries. 过去的穷乡僻壤变成了富饶的谷仓。