- He spent his childhood in the remote mountain area. 他的童年时代是在这个偏远的山区度过的。
- He spent his childhoodin the remote mountain area. 他的童年时代是在这个偏远的山区度过的。
- A person from the backwoods or a remote mountain area. 山里人,乡下人来自山林或偏僻山区的人
- Great changes have taken place in some remote mountain areas and areas inhabited by ethnic minority people. 一些偏远山区和少数民族地区,面貌也有了很大的改变。
- He decided to go to a remote mountain area after graduation from the university. 他决定大学毕业后到偏僻的山区去。
- The place I chose to carry out this program was an ashram in a remote mountain area of Canada. 我选择加拿大的一个遥远山区的修行地作为实行这一计划的地点。
- Turkish military operations inside Northern Iraq, targeting Turkish separatist rebels said to be harbored in remote mountain areas... 在伊拉克北部;以缴灭据说是藏匿于遥远山区的分裂叛军为目标的土耳其军事行动...
- Hakka music is kept in the form of original folk music till today, because the Hakka people uphold their own culture and inhabit in the remote mountain area with inconvenient traffic. 由于客家人对客家文化的崇尚及客家族系较多聚居偏僻和交通不够便利的山区,故而使较多原生民间音乐得以保留。
- In these remote mountainous areas a great many farmers have developed markets for their crops through the tourist industry. 在这些偏远的山区,许多农民通过旅游业开发农产品市场。
- During the research, the auther went alone into remote mountainous area in the south and west of Henan Province and made a systemic collecting of ants. 作者在本论文工作中,只身深入豫南、豫西的偏远山区,对两保护区的蚁科昆虫作了较为系统的采集。
- A fire in a remote mountain area 一个遥远山村的火灾
- They lived in a remote mountain village. 他们住在一个偏僻的山村。
- Nowadays, most young Lahu girls have began to wear their hair long or plait their hair, but those living in remote mountainous areas still keep the tradition of having their hair shaved. 现在多数青年女子已蓄发梳辫,偏远山区的拉祜族妇女仍保留剃发的习俗。
- Application shows that the telecontrol channel based on PSTN provides an applicable method of real-time data transmission for remote mountainous area, area obsessed by fund shortage, and newly-constructed substations and switching stations. 这为边远山区,资金紧张的地区和新建变电站、开关站实现实时数据传输的要求提出了一种可行的方案,有一定的推广实用价值。
- Winter is the best time for hunting in mountain areas. 冬季是山区狩猎的最佳时间。
- My hometown is a remote mountain village. 我的故乡在遥远的山村。
- Chongqing remote mountainous areas 重庆边远山区
- The hotel is situated in a remote mountain village. 此饭店坐落在一偏远的山村里。
- remote mountainous area [district] 偏僻的山区
- They all pell-melled out of that mountain area. 他们都匆匆忙忙地离开山区。