- What brings you to this remote part of the forest? 你怎么会来到这森林深处呢?
- It tax into a remote part of LA airport. 这部分税收入La偏远机场。
- It taxied into a remote part of the LA’s Airport. 飞机停在了洛杉矶机场的一处偏僻地带。
- This happened in a remote part of KL.Today after office hours. 此案发生在今日下班后九龙(可能不对,因为KL是缩写)一郊区。
- Maria Sklodocoska became governess to a rich family in a remote part of Poland. 玛丽娅·斯克洛道斯卡在波兰的一个偏远地区当了一个有钱人家的家庭女教师。
- Paul had taken his cousin Donna on a long trek through a remote part of Colombia. 保罗带领表妹唐娜出发去哥伦比亚的一个偏远地区徒步旅行。
- We found the house at last. It was buried away in a remote part of the mountains. 我们终于找到那所房子。它位于偏僻的山区中。
- Each fall, in a remote part of Norway some 250 kilometers north of the Arctic Circle, a watery pilgrimage is underway. 每年秋天,在挪威境内北极圈以北约二百五十公里的偏远地方,都会进行一趟水上朝圣之旅。
- Many cattlemen are moving out to more remote parts of the state. 许多牧民正在朝该州一些偏远的地区迁徙。
- One year after a tragic accident, six girlfriends meet in a remote part of the Appalachians for their annual caving trip. 六个女孩相约进行一个探险旅行,她们选择了洞穴探险,这项活动与她们的年龄与体型相去甚远。
- For this small indigenous community living along the banks of the Bangui river in a remote part of northern Congo, there is cause for celebration. 这个小原住民区位于刚果北部偏远地区的班吉河岸,生活在这里的人们在为某件事做庆典。
- Not that Selim and his band of cutthroats would even have tried to hide, for in this remote part of Sumatra they were in total control. 而且塞利姆和他的割喉帮也没有打算隐藏,因为苏门答腊的这个偏远地区完全在他们的控制之中。
- A friendly intercourse is opened between the most remote parts of the world. 相距极远的两国开始了一种亲睦的邦交。
- This is a telescope that penetrates to the remote parts of the universe. 这是一架能看到宇宙中遥远地方的望远镜。
- People came to Beijing from the remotest parts of our country. 人们从祖国最偏远的地方来到北京。
- It's sad that we have to part company with them. 很遗憾我们要与他们分别了。
- Roman coi minted during the reign of Diocletian have been excavated in remote parts of Iceland. 在冰岛的偏僻地区曾出土过古罗马戴克里先生统治时铸的钱币。
- Roman coins minted during the reign of Diocletian have been excavated in remote parts of Iceland. 在冰岛的偏僻地区曾出土过古罗马戴克里先生统治时铸的钱币。
- This remarkable finding, which offers plausible solutions to some perplexing geophysical puzzles, is transforming what Earth scientists think about the most remote part of our planet. 这伟大的发现,对一些复杂的地球物理学的难题给出了模棱两可的解释,正在改变地球科学家有关地球最细微处的思考。
- For example, a service element can specify the Web service that exposes a remote parts supplier. 例如,服务元素可以指定发布远程部件提供者的Web服务。