- remote terminals support 远程终端辅助设备
- remote terminal support 远程终端辅助设备
- A technique permitting many users simultaneous access to a central computer through remote terminals. 时间共享一种使许多使用者通过遥远的终端同时使用一台计算机的技术。
- Bookkeeping is pretty much entirely computerized, but an outside accounting firm, operating from remote terminals, tends to any accounting requests. 记帐的工作几乎都由计算机负责,此外只请了会计事务所通过远程终端处理所需清算的帐目。
- ALC is a packet polling protocol which adheres to a strict master/slave relationship between the central host and the remote terminals. ALC是一种数据分组查询协议,严格遵循中央主机和远程终端之间的主/从关系。
- This paper introduces in detail the method for connecting AS/400 host computer with the local 5250 terminals,remote terminals and PCs in Antaibao Open-pit Coal Mine. 详细地介绍了在安太堡露天煤矿AS/400主机与本地5250终端、远程终端、PC机的连接方法。
- Error reports on program terminations support debugging. 程序终止的错误报告支持调试。
- The problems of breaker that closes one more time until restoring the line and transformer to service and the remote terminals tripping does exist in the LASP system. 这就产生了问题,远方的继电装置在当变压器保护范围内发生高阻抗故障时不会动作。
- The terminal supports at least 8 colors. 显示终端至少支持8种颜色。
- Conversation System with Online Remote Terminals 线内式远程距离终端谈话系统
- Down-load To transmit program information from one central computer to another device or to a remote terminal. 装入资料把中央电脑的程式信息传往其他装置或一个远距离终端机上。
- Some parts of the A-IMS framework are still under development such as terminal support for the posture agent, security information exchange, and security policy definition. A-IMS仍处于框架性描述阶段,还有很多细节尚不明确,如终端对姿态代理的支持能力、安全信息交换的内容、安全策略的具体定义等,有待于进一步研究。
- Down-load: To transmit program information from one central computer to another device or to a remote terminal. 装入资料:把中央电脑的程式信息传往其他装置或一个远距离终端机上。
- In this automation system, the remote terminal units (RTUs) are remote power plants and substations. 在此自动系统中,远方终端装置(RTU)是远方的发电厂和变电站。
- As expected, if simulations are run assuming the presence of a low impedance remote termination, the results degrade significantly. 如我们期望的那样,如果假定仿真运行在远端是低阻抗的状态,结果会显著退化。
- Under time-sharing option(TSO), a job submitted from a remote terminal for scheduling and execution in the background. 在分时系统TSO中,一种从远程终端提交、在后台调度并执行的作业。
- In all simulations, the remote termination impedance was assumed to be 10k ohms (representing an on-hook phone). 在所有的仿真中,远端终端阻抗设为10K欧姆(代表电话挂机)。
- Proved by some hydrologic telemetric projects, the remote terminal unit works well. 通过实际水情测报项目的应用验证,该水情遥测终端取得了良好的效果。
- It is only necessary to use the Unix command that sets up a remote terminal connection (Telnet),followed by the address of the distant machine. 只需使用Unix命令Telnet来建立远程终端连接,命令后跟上远端计算机的地址即可。
- The scribe worked hard to support his family. 那个抄写员辛勤工作来养家。