- Thus you shall utterly remove the evil from Israel. 这样,你就把那恶从以色列中完全除掉。
- Thus you shall utterly remove the evil from your midst, and all Israel will hear and will fear. 这样,你就把那恶从你们中间完全除掉,以色列众人听见都要害怕。
- He should remove the evil of attachment and wrongly directed longing;he should conquer drowsiness, lassitude and sloth, and not dwell in indolence. 向往涅磐的人应该克服昏睡、懒惰和迟钝,不应该懈怠,不应该傲慢。
- Remove the veil that covers the peoples.Restrain the evil that promotes violence and death.Bring deliverance from demonic oppression.Break the hold of slavery, tyranny and disease. 求祢除去人们心里的帕子,一同抵挡煽动暴力、死亡的恶者,也释放我们从鬼魔的压制下出来,打碎奴仆、暴虐与疾病的轭;
- Flour is bolted to remove the bran. 面粉经筛选去掉麦麸。
- Remove the motor when you lay up your boat. 船闲置不用时,你要把发动机拆下来。
- How can we remove the husk of the grains? 我们怎样去掉谷物的外皮?
- Since all the maids are good and lovable from whence come the evil wives? 既然娘儿们都美好而可爱,雌老虎又从何而来?
- In the history, many respected ancestors are praised to have removed the evil, done good people and the country by using xingyiquan. 在历史上,形意拳诸多武术前辈曾凭着精湛的技艺,谱写了一曲曲扶正祛邪,保家卫国的正义之歌。
- Let's remove the cloth from the table. 咱们来把桌上的桌布拿掉。
- If the ink sinks in, it'll be hard to remove the spot from the cloth. 如果墨水渗入布料,就很难把污迹洗去。
- The book gives, as it were, a picture of the evil old society. 这本书可谓是展现过去那个邪恶社会的图画。
- The princess was spirited off to a desert island by the evil magician. 公主被那个可恶的魔术师偷偷带到了一个荒岛上。
- It'll take a lot of muscle to remove the rock. 搬走那块石头要费很大的力气。
- She tried to drive the evil thoughts out of her mind. 她试图将脑中邪恶的想法驱赶出去。
- How can I remove the rust from the iron door? 我怎样才能把铁门上的锈除掉呢?
- When the meat is boiling, remove the scum. 当肉煮沸时,把浮在上面的浮渣撇掉。
- They instigated him to the evil deed. 他们教唆他做坏事。
- If you want to lead a quiet life, you must lay the axe to the root of the evil. 如果你想过安宁的日子,就得根除这种恶行。
- It's my duty to remove the cloth. 食後收拾是我的分内事。