- Folk music is currently enjoying a renaissance. 民间音乐现在又时兴起来了。
- These are the cultural legacies of the Renaissance. 这些是文艺复兴时期的文化遗产。
- Florence is the shrine of the Renaissance. 佛罗伦萨是文艺复兴的圣地。
- The ideology of the political left. 左派,左翼政治左派的意识形态、观点
- His attitude to ownership is rooted in communist ideology. 他的所有制观点源自共产主义思想。
- He was a child of the Renaissance. 他是文艺复兴时期的产物。
- renaissance ideology 重生意识
- Leonardo da Vinci is a famous artist in the Italian Renaissance. 利奥纳多·达·芬奇是意大利文艺复兴时期的一位知名画家。
- Her book captures the quintessence of Renaissance humanism. 她的书抓住了文艺复兴时期人文主义的精髓。
- The poet was born during the Renaissance period. 这名诗人出生在文艺复兴时代。
- An obsolete ideology can hamper an economy. 过时的意识形态会束缚经济。
- Da Vinci is a famous painter of the Renaissance. 达芬奇是文艺复兴时期著名的画家。
- A wind instrument of the Renaissance with a curving tube and a double reed. 双簧弯管文艺复兴时期的一种带有一个弯曲的吹管和双簧片的管乐器
- Let correct ideology guide practical work. 以虚带实。
- Copyright was a by-product of the Renaissance. 版权是文艺复兴的副产物。
- The Renaissance artists were universal men. 文艺复兴时期的艺术家们是无所不知的。
- The ideology has great influence in the world. 这种思想体系在世界上有很大的影响。
- I was a man of the Renaissance that evening. 那天晚上我是一个文艺复兴时代的人。
- This ideology is spawned out of communism. 这一思想是从共产主义中产生出来的。
- Introduction: The History of Renaissance History. 介绍:文艺复兴的历史。