- You said you'd come,why did you renege on your promise? 你说你要来的,为什么要背信弃义?
- Any more colourful candidate could renege on a deal. 任何不同政见的候选人都可能就此交易而报复。
- Jane:You can't renege on what you represented over the phone. 你不能否决电话上的提议.
- It says firmly that the EU must not renege on its promise. 报告非常坚定地声称欧盟一定不会食言。
- You said you'd come, why did you renege on your promise? 你说你要来的,为什么要背信弃义?
- You will almost surely have to renege on some of these promises. 你却几乎必然将违背你的一些诺言。
- Both had reneged on paying off the loan. 两人都违背了还清贷款的诺言。
- Would the Kremlin really renege on Russia's biggest foreign investments? 克里姆林宫真的会对俄最大的国外投资出尔反尔么?
- The VCs now want to renege on the term sheet and change the raise and pre-$. 每个投资人都有自己独到的见解,目前我最看好的方向是移动互联网和电子商务,当然,我也还愿意学习研究一些新的方向。
- Whereas,I can't feel relieved with If I owe or irrealizable for others,renege on a promise. 而我,最无法释怀的是我对别人的亏欠与食言,无法兑现的承诺。
- You are best to do what you say this week.Anything that you renege on will be held against you. 金牛座:本周最好说到做到,任何食言都对你不利。
- Current looked, although public opinion xiong xiong, but both sides and not give up and renege on a promise meaning. 当前看,尽管民意汹汹,但双方并无罢手和反悔之意。
- He has never reneged on a promise. 他从来不食言。
- As a result, the structure of banking was seriously weakened, and in 1814 a run on banks11 forced most to renege on their legal obligations to exchange notes for specie. 结果,银行业的结构严重削弱,而1814年的银行挤兑迫使大多数银行背弃自己的法定义务,拒绝将银行券兑换成金银。
- Equally the constituents face the dilemma that the ruler at some point may renege on his promises and confiscate the accumulated wealth of his constituents. 同样臣民也面临着困境,因为统治者可能违背自己的承诺而没收他的臣民积累的财富。
- But most workers fear employers would renege on these obligations, and that China's shoddy regulatory system would let them get away with it. 然而,多数劳动者都在怀疑雇主对这些法规将阳奉阴违,并利用中国松散的立法漏洞逃避处罚。
- In addition, about 44% showed their lack of loyalty by stating that they would renege on a job-acceptance commitment if a better offer came along. 此外,约有44%25的受访者表示,即使已经和企业签订了工作意向,如果有更好的机会出现,他们会毫不犹豫地毁约。这也表明这一代在忠诚度上的缺失。
- When people feel that a deal is fair,they are more likely to agree to it,less likely to renege on it,and more likely to come the table in the future". 当人们认为交易是公平的,他们更有可能同意这样做,不太可能违背它,更可能会在表中的未来“ 。
- The trading system will have much more trouble if the United States starts to renege on its traditional leadership role. 但如果美国背弃了原来自由贸易领导者的形象,世界贸易体系将会遇到更大的困难。
- Both sides kept accusing each other of reneging on it. 两边都不断指责对方违反了协议。