- A decree or edict rendered at such a session. 审讯令这样一开庭的传令或命令
- The government promulgates a decree. 政府颁布法令。
- to repeal a decree 撤销法令
- A decree or an edict, as of a ruler. 政令:统治者发布的法令或公告。
- The court granted her a decree of divorce. 法庭同意判她离婚。
- repeal a decree 撤销法令
- Square Bronze Sheng Capacity Measure with a Decree by Qinshihuang. 始皇诏方升。
- He has planed to repeal a number of the current radical policies. 他已经计划撤销许多当前激进的政策。
- It came to pass in those days that there went out a decree. 一桩违犯法令的事在那些日子里发生了。
- If the government repeals a law, it ceases to work. 如果政府废除了一项法律,那这项法律就停止运做。
- They met when the time came, it was a decree of fate. 时间到了,它们会相遇,这是命运的判决。
- Stating a decree that he would make when he came to power. 预言统治者掌权后将颁布的法令。
- I Darius have made a decree; let it be done with speed. 我大流士降这旨意,当速速遵行。
- They met when the time came,it was a decree of fate. 时间到了,它们会相遇,这是命运的判决。
- A decree or proclamation issued by an authority and having the force of law. 法令官方颁布的具有法律效力的法令或布告
- In the court of Arches a decree is a process by which a suit is commenced. 在宗教法庭中,裁决是指诉讼开始的一种程序。
- He concluded with telling me that he had obtained a decree against his wife. 他最后告诉我,他已经得到和他妻子离婚的判决书。
- A decree to standardize measures, written in small seal script, Qin Dynasty. 秦代用小篆颁布的统一度量衡器的诏书铜铸版。
- I, Darius, have made a decree; let it be carried out with all diligence. 我大利乌降旨,当彻底迅速的遵行。
- New Hampshire is the first state to repeal a parental notice law, according to Dawn Touzin of Planned Parenthood of Northern New England, whose lawsuit had tied up the law in court. 新罕布什尔州成为美国废除通知父母法的第一州。根据新英格兰北部的计划生育,其诉讼已经移交法院。