- She said very little directly, but a great deal by implication. 她直接的话说了很少,但言外之意却很多。
- Failure to say `No' may, by implication, be taken to mean `Yes'. 没表示否定,其含义可能理解为是肯定的。
- He is by implication requesting me to resign. 他示意要我辞职。
- to repeal by implication 相互抵销
- I said little, but a great deal by implication. 我说的很少,但却有很多言外之意。
- He seemed by implication to acknowledge that fact. 他似乎含蓄地承认了那事实。
- repeal by implication 相互抵销,默认作废
- The assumption may be made by express contract or by implication. 承担可以通过明文的契约或默示来作出。
- She said very little directly,but a great deal by implication. 她直接的话说了很少,但言外之意却很多。
- Failure to say 'No' may, by implication, be taken to mean 'Yes'. 没有否定,就可能意味着默认。
- Both direct attack and attack by implication hurt others'feelings. 直截了当的攻击和含沙射影的攻击都很伤人。
- It cannot be argued that it has that effect by implication. 我们不能以字面的含意为理由,强说它有这种效力。
- She accused the party, and by implication, accused its leader too. 她指责了该政党,也含蓄地指责了其领袖。
- She said very little directly, but a great.deal by implication. 她直接的话说了很少,但言外之意却很多。
- Failure to say 'No' may,by implication,be taken to mean 'Yes'. 没表示否定;其含义可能理解为是肯定的.
- She said very little, but a great deal by implication. 她说得很少,但是有许多言外之意。
- The expectation was spread both by word and by implication. 期望是同时通过语言和暗示散布的。
- He criticized the Director and,by implication, the whole of the organization. 他抨击主管,其实是间接批评了整个机构。
- It promised tariff increases, tax reductions, immigration restriction, vigorous aid to farmers, and, by implication, an end to federal social legislation. 它答应增加关税、减低国内税额、限制移民、积极帮助农民以及含蓄地表示不再制订联邦社会立法。
- Hannibal Lecter: Then, by implication, you think you're smarter than I am, since it was you who caught me. 汉尼拔:那么,你在暗示你比我聪明,因为是你捉住我。