- repeated bending stress test 反复弯曲应力试验,弯曲应力疲劳试验
- repeated bending stress strength 反复弯曲疲劳强度极限
- The bending stress is zero for the element at B. 在B处的单元体,弯曲应力为零。
- Thus the bending stress is very easily computed. 因此,极容易计算出其弯曲应力。
- The bending stress is zero for the element at B . 在b处的单元体,弯曲应力为零。
- The simulated workload for a load or stress test. 用于负载测试或压力测试的模拟工作负荷。
- Is a Web server stress test tool. 是一个Web服务器压力测试工具。
- The remote bending stress at the plate surface was measured. 板表面处的远场弯曲应力已被测出。
- I have no idea of their having found a better drill bending stress. 我没听说他们找到了能抵抗高弯曲应力的好钻杆。
- The Bending Stress Analysis of Model 81 Double Circular Arc Gears. 81型双圆弧齿轮的弯曲应力分析
- Hammerhead is a stress test tool designed to test Web servers. Hammerhead是一个设计用于测试Web服务器的压力测试工具。
- The Jetstress Disk Subsystem Stress Test runs for 24 hours. Jetstress磁盘子系统压力测试运行24个小时。
- The static stress test verifies the correctness of the model. 最后通过静态应力试验验证该模型的正确性。
- Intergrain corrosion under stress test in sodium tetrathionate. 在连四硫酸钠中约束晶间腐蚀试验。
- The equation gives the value of the bending stress at any distance v from the neutral axis. 此式给出了至中性轴任意距离V处的弯曲应力值。
- Note, though, that the login screen loads up more slowly than the stress test. 但是请注意,登录屏幕与压力测试会比装载更慢一些。
- Considering the time-variant mesh stiffness, the calculated results demonstrated the change of tooth root bending stress in one engagement period. 计算结果揭示了由于时变啮合刚度的影响齿根弯曲应力在一个啮合周期的变化规律。
- Prev 2000-point mark again stress tests. 沪指2000点关口再次接受压力测试。
- If you used a more flexible material for making these drillpipes, they would be able to sustain greater bending stress. 假如你使用一种更具挠性的材料来制造这些钻杆它们就能承受更大的弯曲应力。
- A stress test is not necessary for active people without symptoms of angina. 对于活跃的人而言,如果没有咽峡炎症状,应激测试也不是必需的。