- repeated magnetization curve 反复磁化回线
- An example is demonstrated to illustrate the qualitative modeling procedure of the magnetization curve. 文中以一实例说明磁化曲线定性模型的推导过程。
- As to NdMn2O5, the magnetization curve exhibited an antiferromagnetic transition at about 7 K. NdMn2O5的磁性与文献报道的一致,化合物在低温下约7K处经历一个反铁磁的相转变。
- Basic magnetizing curve model was given. 介绍了变压器的基本磁化曲线模型。
- A first order magnetization process (FOMP) was observed in the HMD magnetization curve of Er_3Fe_ 19.5Co_6V_ 3.5 at 5K, the critical field of the FOMP was derived to be 3.8T. 磁测量表明Er3Fe19.;5Co6V3
- Magnetization curve of the core is fitted using polynomial and hyperbola hybrid model.Its simulation model on MATLAB as well as the experimental device is achieved. 利用多项式和双曲线混合模型拟合了磁芯磁化曲线,基于MATLAB软件建立仿真模型并制成了电抗器实验装置。
- Firstly, this paper presents structure and essential working principle of MCR in detail.Then MCR model is introduced based on small slope magnetization curve model. 首先介绍了可控电抗器的结构和工作原理,建立了基于小斜率磁化曲线的可控电抗器模型。
- The magnetic susceptibilities were measured by magnetic curve. 通过磁化曲线测量了配体和配合物的磁性能。
- This paper studies the derivation of a qualitative description for the magnetization curve of saturable magnetic materials. 摘要本文针对饱和磁性材料,推导其磁化曲线的定性描述。
- Selective pulmonary venography immediately after ablation and repeat magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan at 3 months didn't show any stenosis of the treated veins. 消融后即刻选择性肺静脉造影和术后3个月核磁共振扫描检查均未发现肺静脉狭窄。
- A series of magnetizing remanent magnetization curves is obtained. 在计算机上模拟上述测量过程。
- Magnetization curves show the behavior of field-inducing martensitic transformation. 磁化曲线表现出明显的磁场诱导马氏体相变行为。
- The magnetization curves of single crystalline Si steel in different direction have been calculated using single vector model. 采用单矢量模型计算硅钢单晶不同方向的磁化曲线,给出了可以计算硅钢单晶任意方向磁化曲线的数值算法。
- I shall have to report you for repeated lateness. 你老是迟到,我可要告你了。
- He made a resolution never to repeat the act. 他决心不再采取那种行动。
- I was embittered by repeated failures. 我因屡次失败而苦恼。
- The magnetizing curve of silicon steel sheets is approximated with two-section line and the saturation degree is defined. 针对电工硅钢片的特点,将磁化曲线简化为两条具有不同斜率的折线。
- He repeated her statement word for word. 他一字不差地重复她的话。
- A new fitting method for magnetic curve based on support vector machine in transformer emulation is presented. The method is applied. 摘要提出了在变压器模型仿真中采用支持向量机进行磁化曲线拟合的新方法,并进行了应用。
- Or you can say history repeat itself. 或者说也可以说,历史经常重演。