- Has no relish for repetitive work. 不喜欢重复性的工作
- Has no relishfor repetitive work. 不喜欢重复性的工作。
- His job consists of dull, repetitive work. 他干的是些单调重复的工作。
- He has not the patience for repetitive work. 他没有耐心做重复性的工作。
- Avoid errors and repetitive work caused by inconsistent data. 避免由于数据不一致而引起的错误和重复工作。
- Robots can relieve people of dull and repetitive work. 单调重复的工作,机器人可以代劳。
- Computers have done away with a lot of the repetitive work. 有了计算机就不必再做很多重复性的劳动。
- Psychologists claim that repetitive work can be just a stressful as more demanding but varied work . 心理学家声称,重复的工种恰恰可能是一种有压力的工种,有如更为费神的工种,但多变的工种就不同了。
- Psychologist claim that repetitive work can is just a stressful as more demanding but varied work. 心理学家声称,重复的工种恰恰可能是一种有压力的工种,有如更为费神的工种,但多变的工种就不同了。
- Psychologist claimed that repetitive work can be just a stressful as more demanding but varied work. 心理学家声称,重复的工种恰恰可能是一种有压力的工种,有如更为费神的工种,但多变的工种就不同了。
- I only wanted to keep myself wakeful and alert at the computer with the music while doing some repetitive work. 我听音乐还是为了提神,不然重覆的步骤做得久了,精神便不能那般集中。
- Data validation rules built into Office InfoPath 2007 forms check for errors during data entry and prevent repetitive work later. Office InfoPath 2007表单中内置的数据验证规则可以在数据输入过程中检查错误并防止后面进行重复工作。
- They receive cuts and bruises from office tools and furniture.They develop long-term injuries from repetitive work such as keyboarding. 也有可能因办公家具或使用办公设备被割伤或擦伤。
- Records management and archives management are closely connected to each other.Systemizing records and archives can decrease repetitive work and enhance work efficiency. 摘要文件管理和档案管理关系密切,通过实施文件档案一体化管理,可以减少重复性劳动,提高工作效率。
- My guess is, initially, people just wanted to make computer do what it is best for - repetitive work (in this case - testing) and have code test the application, not humans. 我想,刚开始人们也就只是希望发挥计算机的特点,让它完成重复性的工作(这里是指测试),而不再需要人去进行测试。
- But introverted personalities who disliked repetitive work began to use their muscles differently as simulated workplace stress rose, in some instances increasing pressures on the spine almost 27 percent. 但是当模拟的工作环境压力增加时,不愿做重复工作的内向性格的学生开始不同程度地使役他们的肌肉,在某些情况下,脊柱上增加的压力几乎达到27%25。
- In the firm, moving from simple repetitive work under central control (Taylorism) to more complex knowledge-based work requires a move towards a more decentralized and participative workplace. 在公司里,从在集权控制下的简单重复的工作向复杂以知识为基础的工作转移需要有一个分权的,大家参与的环境。
- Office workers are injured by falls, fires and electric shock. They receive cuts and bruises from office tools and furniture. They develop long-term injuries from repetitive work such as keyboarding. 办公室人员受到的主要伤害为:跌落、火灾和触电。也有可能因办公家具或使用办公设备被割伤或擦伤。
- It is important to determine the rated parameters for the traction motor of metro vehicle, which fall into the shorttime overloading and repetitive working state. 摘要城轨车辆用异步牵引电机处于短时过载、重复的工作状态,其额定点参数的确定十分重要。
- the stupefying boredom of this repetitive work 这种重复性工作造成的昏沉乏味之感.