- report form solution 报表解决方案
- A copy of the IELTS test report form. 成绩单复印件一份。
- Goes on the market the company: We do not cheat the report form. 上市公司:我们不做假报表的。
- Enclosed herewith is my score report form the department concerned. 附上各科成绩的报告单。
- Make monthly report forms on time. 按时作好月报表。
- The form solution to the Mixed Problem of one dimension inhomogeneous diffusion equation was given through the method of undetermined function. 摘要利用待定函数法给出了一维非齐次扩散方程混合问题的形式解。
- The closed form solution can be obtained from method of S-transformation: a variation of Laplace transformation. 用S变换法:拉氏交换的一种变形,可得封闭解,并有例示。
- By using the elliptic function and conformal transformation theory,a close form solution to this problem is obtained. 运用椭圆函数和保角变换理论,获得了该问题严格的闭合解。
- Closed form solution by Randolph could be used to calculate linear deformation soil,where shear modulus unchanged or grow linearly with depth. Randolph的近似解析解可计算线弹性土体,且土的剪切模量随深度不变或者线性增加条件下的桩基础沉降。
- Manage authorizing the QC report forms and auditing report forms. 具有编制品质报表和审核报表的管理水平;
- Closed form solution of LQG problem for seismic response of adjacent buildings connected by hydraulic actuators is presented in this paper. 本文把毗邻建筑的地震反应控制作为LQG控制问题,并应用虚拟激励法和留数定理推导出问题的闭合解。
- Take charge NCC and NCR quality report forms each month. 负责每月的NCC及NCR的质量报表;
- Can produce the report form through the simple procedure, meanwhile may the printout! Is really good! 能够通过简单的程序产生报表,同时还可以打印输出!真的不错!
- After sunspace decomposition, the close form solution of channel matrix could be obtained, according to the orthogonality of signal subspace and noise subspace. 然后求出重构信道矩阵的噪声子空间,之后利用信号子空间与噪声子空间正交特性,构造出信道矩阵作为变量的线性方程组,因而可以得到信道矩阵的闭式解。
- Road vehicles - Child restraint systems - Report form for accidents involving child passengers. 道路车辆。儿童保护系统。有儿童乘客的事故报告格式。
- Prepare the 'employee evaluation report form' for contract renewal employee each month. 每月给合同到期的员工填写续签合同的评估表。
- Be responsible for sales data report form and analysis. Supply sales analysis data for internal support. 负责销售数据报表和分析,对内提供销售分析支持。
- Connections to database systems can be shared across form solutions. 可以在表单解决方案之间共享到数据库系统的连接。
- For example, you can use a repeating table to collect itemized expenses in an expense report form template. 例如,可以在零用金报销单模板中使用重复表收集各项经费。
- Please see the notes overleaf concerning the personal data provided in this Report Form). 有关在举报表格内填报的个人资料,请参阅背页的附注)。