- The posterosuperior aspect of each vertebral body was chosen as a representative point for the spinal sagittal curve. 每个最体的上后方的面都被作为代表矢状曲线的一个点。
- Emission sources in this plant are irregular and unrestrained effluent surface sources and data are collected by detecting representative points in the said area. 炼厂排放源为不规则的无组织排放的面源,数据在该区域具有代表性的点上测出。
- This column cento cadre of a few teachers, party card, wait from emeritus cadre have representative point of view, feed a reader with food. 本栏目摘录了几位教师、党政干部、离退休干部等有代表性的观点,以馔食读者。
- These saddle points represent points of stagnation of the current flow. 这些鞍点代表电流的驻点。
- The Representative pointed out that the world was living in a time of unparalleled access to information and entertainment of all varieties. 该代表指出,当今世界正处在获取种类繁多的信息和娱乐活动与日俱增的史无前例的时代。
- The Representative pointed that the mandate for the Development Agenda agreed by the WIPO General Assembly had been quite clear. 该代表指出,WIPO大会商定的发展议程的任务十分明确。
- The Representative pointed out WIPO's role and responsibility in those wider development issues, because the information environment was governed by copyright laws. 该代表指出了WIPO在这些更广义的发展问题上所发挥的作用和肩负的责任,因为信息环境受到版权法的制约。
- The Representative pointed out another good example, Singapore, which had put into place a strategy to build itself into an international intellectual property hub. 该代表指出另一个好的例子,系有关新加坡正在执行中的把该国建成国际知识产权中心的战略。
- The Representative pointed out that, however, the IP system also needed to undergo its natural evolution process, in respect of the needs of developed countries. 不过,代表指出,在发达国家的需要方面,知识产权制度也需经历其自然的演进过程。
- The Representative pointed out that intellectual property was a wide legal field, encompassing trademarks, patents as well as copyright and also neighboring rights. 该代表指出,知识产权是个广泛的法律领域,包括商标、专利以及版权和相邻权。
- representative point match algorithm 代表点匹配算法
- The current version of the draft outcome document for the meeting is hundreds of pages long, with thousands of passages in brackets representing points of disagreement. 现拟定的会议文件初稿有几百页长,其中许多段落用大括号标出,列明了分歧点。
- And the idea of many-sorted makes the discussion of objects in different granularity possible, such as to represent points, lines, surface (even body) and time meanwhile. 多类逻辑对于论域分类的思想使得同时讨论点、线、面(乃至体)成为可能。
- He hammered home the points he wanted to convey. 他把所要传达的重点讲得非常透彻。
- I concur with him in many points. 我和他在许多论点上意见是一致的。
- Considering the disadvantage of wavelet, say, it is only optimal in representing point singularities, we use curvelet transform to extract facial features. 针对小波变换仅能有效表达图像中的点奇异性的弱点,采用曲波变换提取面部主要特征。
- The tiger is a representative of the cat family. 老虎是猫科动物的典型。
- The Representative pointed out that WIPO's technical assistance to developing countries should not simply foster the creation of intellectual property laws as an end in themselves. 该代表指出,WIPO对发展中国家的技术援助不应该仅仅以推动该国知识产权立法为最终目的。
- The Representative pointed out that in Brazil in 2002, 42% of the applications for patents, utility models, certificates of addition and design registration applications had been filed by local applicants. 该代表指出,2002年,巴西42%25的专利申请、实用新型、工业品外观设计均由本国申请者提出。
- The signpost points in a westerly direction. 路标指向西。