- Request permission to use R/W03 for cockpit check(run up engines). 请求允许用03号跑道作座舱检查(试车)。
- Bumblebee: I request permission to stay with the boy. 大黄蜂:我请求您允许我和这个男孩待在一起。
- In SNA, a data flow control command that is used to request permission to start a bracket. 系统网络体系结构(sna)中的一种数据流控制命令,用以请求允许开始一次按类通信。
- Request permission to divert20 miles right of track to avoid the thunderstorm( build-ups). 请求向航迹右面改20海里避开雷雨。
- A visa permits a foreign citizen to travel to the United States and request permission to enter the country. 签证允许外国公民来到美国,请求进入这个国家。
- After the 3rd gun is blown, Lt Spiers and his team appear and request permission to take out the 4th gun! 温特斯将炮3和炮4搞掂,伤亡惨重(废柴呀。。。)他将自己的机枪组布置在堑壕中对抗德军的支援部队,并掩护自己的小强们突击
- If youre not sure, contact the author and request permission to publish their article whether it be on your web site or in your e-zine. 如果不确定版权,需要联系作者,询问是否可以在网站或电子书籍中发表这篇文章。
- For R&D purpose, We, Company/ I, , would like to request permission to enter the Incubation Center of the Genomic Research Center, Academia Sinica.. 本公司/本人,基于研发之目的,拟申请进驻贵中心,祈请惠允为盼。
- She requested permission to film at the White House. 她申请准予在白宫拍摄。
- "Cadet Lynn, requesting permission to speak to the general, sir. 她开口说:“林士官生请求与将军谈话。”
- If you cannot copy the document to your computer, contact your administrator to request permission to access and read the document, and to check if the network is working. 如果无法将文档复制到您的计算机上,请与管理员联系以请求访问和读取文档的权限,并检查网络是否正常工作。
- Request permission(clearance) to taxi out. 请求滑出许可。
- The papers reported that the Queen was "not amused" and glared at Mr. Bush until the got up, allowed her to sit and then formally requested permission to take his seat by her side. 各报报导女王“不悦”, 对布什怒目而视直到布什先生起立,让女王入座,然后正式请求允许在她旁边坐下。
- Enthused, I began paperwork requesting permission to bring Holly to school with me, providing documentation of the benefits of companion animals. 我满腔热情地着手写报告,引用文献资料,列举了以动物为伴的好处,请求批准我带霍莉来学校。
- We were refused permission to enter. 我们被拒之门外。
- Others who also longed for initiation had requested permission to maintain a vegetarian diet from the prison administration, but they were refused. 其他也渴望印心的人要求狱方允许他们成为素食者,但遭到回绝。
- Father denied me permission to use his car. 父亲不许我用他的汽车。
- Due to the 1st World War, Coubertin requested permission to establish the headquarters of the IOC in Lausanne, Switzerland, which was a neutral country. 由于第一次世界大战的爆发,顾拜旦请求在中立国瑞士的洛桑建立国际奥委会总部。
- The papers reported that the Queen was "not amused" and glared at Mr. Bush until the got up,allowed her to sit and then formally requested permission to take his seat by her side. 各报报导女王“不悦”,对布什怒目而视直到布什先生起立,让女王入座,然后正式请求允许在她旁边坐下。
- The court granted him permission to disinter the body. 法院批准他掘出尸体。