- resale price agreement 转售价格协定
- The key is evidence of an agreement.If the manufacturer and a dealer entered into an agreement on a resale price or minimum price, that would be a price-fixing violation. 答:此问题的核心在于有无协定的证据,如果制造商和代理商对转售价格或最低价格达成了一个协定,那么这就是一种违法的限价行为。
- Vertical price-fixing -- an agreement between a supplier and a dealer that fixes the minimum resale price of a product -- is a clear-cut antitrust violation. 此为纵向限价,即一供货商与一销售商之间关于某一商品最低转售价格的协定。这种协定明显违反了反托拉斯法。
- resale price maintenance agreement 维持转售价格协定
- It also is illegal for a manufacturer and retailer to agree on a minimum resale price. 同样,制造商和零售商对最低转售价格达成一致也是非法的。
- A manufacturer also is permitted to stop dealing with a retailer who breaches the manufacturer's resale price maintenance policy. 制造商同样也被允许有权终止与违反其转售价格维持政策的零售商的交易。
- Agent must carry stocks of Manufacturer's products for sale within the said territories and may fix the resale price thereof. 代理商必须存有厂商产品以便在上述地区内销售,并可决定它们的转卖价格。
- Suggested resale price in U.S. dollars in quantities of 1000. New products are listed in bold red. Preview products are listed in bold blue. 建议零售价为每1000片的美元价格。新产品以粗体红色标明。前瞻性产品以粗体蓝色标明。
- Article 5 An operator shall not rely on its market predominance to compulsorily define the resale price when supplying commodities to its distributors. 第五条经营者不得凭借市场支配地位,在向经销商提供商品时强制限定其转售价格。
- Through 1Q09 the S&P/Case Shiller (SPCS) home resale price index fell from its 2006 peak by almost one-third, which has been our cumulative peak-to-trough forecast. 09年1季度期间标普/Case Shiller(SPCS)房屋转售价格指数从2006年的高点回落近三分之一,和我们由顶至底的累计预测值相符。
- Unilateral conduct by firms can also harm competition, and for this reason the TPA prohibits misuse of market power, exclusive dealing and resale price maintenance. 某些企业的单方面行为也可能损害竞争,所以贸易法中也禁止滥用市场支配地位、独占交易和控制转售价格的行为。
- Did you ever experience that the shopkeeper is grouchy due to your handpicking action and failure to come to a price agreement? 精挑细选,结果没买成,遭到店主冷眼,这样的经历您有过吗?
- For the past four decades, the first price agreement between a miner and a steelmaker has created a benchmark the rest of the industry follows. 过去40年来,每年矿业公司与钢铁企业之间达成的第一份价格协议,都成为了业内其他企业遵循的价格基准。
- Vertical restraints are general practice in the marketing, especially in construction of channel which contain resale price maintenance, exclusive territories, exclusive dealing and tying. 纵向限制措施是企业在市场实践,尤其是企业的渠道建设中广泛采取的对下游企业的各种限制性做法的总称,包括转售价格维持,区域市场圈定等。
- The owner-occupied housing demand is determined by (1) the disposable non-capital income, (2) the unit cost of owning a house, (3) the expected resale price, (4) the weight of bequest function in the utility function. 自有房屋的需求主要取决于(一)可利用的非资本所得(祖先的遗赠金额加上恒常所得减掉最低遗赠限值),(二)单位拥屋成本(当期房价加上预期的单位使用者成本),(三)预期重出售房价,(四)遗赠函数在效用函数的权重。
- Over the past 40 years, mining companies and steel companies reached between the first price agreement, have become the industry's other enterprises to follow the benchmark price. 过去40年来,每年矿业公司与钢铁企业之间达成的第一份价格协议,都成为了业内其他企业遵循的价格基准。
- Prior to this, Rio Tinto took the lead with Japan's Nippon Steel to achieve 33 percent annual price agreement, but China refused to follow, so far has been a stalemate. 此前,力拓率先与日本新日铁达成年度降价33%25的协议,但中国拒绝跟随,僵持一直至今。
- Making it harder to know who is right: China lacks many of the detailed housing statistics common in the West, such as rates of vacancies, inventories and resale prices. 而让人更加难辨对错的是:中国缺乏西方常见的许多详细的房屋统计数据,如空置率、待售房屋和二手房屋价格,等等。
- In recent years Shoushan Stone collection suddenly come into vogue, the price rose again and again, and resale prices of works made by famous masters rose to new level. 寿山石文化创意与收藏价值作者:黄宝庆近年来寿山石收藏骤然升温,价格连连攀升,大师佳作名家精品连番转手,价格连攀新高。
- In reality, complete price agreement often doesn't exist, or it may be upset by some suppliers deciding to cut their prices for various reasons. 事实上,完全协议价格通常不存在,或者由于一些供应商因各种原因而削价出售,结果使其遭到破坏。