- research on songs of Chu 楚辞研究
- The research on "the songs of Chu" 楚辞研究
- The interpretation of the imitation of sao in Chu Ci Zhang Ju from the angle of literary acceptance can change the research on the influence of Chu Ci the research on the readers. 关于《楚辞章句》中汉代拟骚作品 ,从文学接受的角度重新审视这一现象 ,可将原来关于楚辞的影响研究转变为被影响者的接受研究 ,从被影响者主动接受这一方面来认识拟作的意义。
- For instance, Qian Zhong-shu's research on Song poetry is of great significance but not any monograph has made it the focus. 如钱钟书的宋诗研究无疑是“钱学”体系中独具个性的一个有机构成,但目前尚无专著予以总结。
- We have done much research on these folk songs. 我们对这些民歌进行了大量的研究。
- After the Art of Chinese Uygur Muqam and the Pastoral Song of the Mongolian Ethnic Group successfully being elected the third World Cultural Heritage of UNESCO, the research on Intangible cultural heritage in China has been increased. 随着我国新疆维吾尔族木卡姆艺术、蒙古长调成功入选联合国教科文组织的第三批世界非物质文化遗产名录,国内对非物质文化遗产的研究逐渐增多。
- I need to do some of my own research on this. 在这一项上我必须亲自做一些研究。
- This paper analyses Kaifeng Fu Jie Ti Dian Guan in North Song Dynasty and makes a year-list and provides some materials for the researchers on Song Dynasty history. 就北宋开封府界提点官略加分析,并将一代提点列为年表,为宋代文史研究者提供资料。
- A Research on the Crime of Financial Fraud II. 金融诈骗罪研究2。
- The Review of Research on Rhododendron L. 杜鹃属植物研究综述。
- Research on Classification of Attack Technol. 攻击技术分类研究。
- He has done a lot of research on that subject. 他对那个课题进行了大量的研究。
- Research on RF Front-End of Wireless Receiver. 无线接收机RF前端研究。短句来源。
- Research on accounting of stock option II. 股票期权会计研究2。
- I began to concentrate all of my research on birds and their songs. 我开始集中精力研究鸟和鸟的歌声。
- Research on internal control of enterprises II. 企业内部控制研究2。
- Research on the System of Stock Co., Ltd. 股份有限公司制度研究。
- Research on the cuttage test of Melastoma spp. 苹果绒的扦插试验研究。
- Research on the main properties of cit. 川渝柚类主要性状的研究;