- A reserve supply or an accumulation of unfilled orders. 已经下了定单但未交付的订货。
- Because of water's latent heat capacity, a tubful of water placed in a greenhouse on a night of freezing cold will act as a reserve supply of heat. 因为水的这种潜热容量,在滴水成冰的夜晚置于温室中的一管水可起到保温热源的作用。
- EVM in box 6 represents a Reserve Supply Depot.These depots contain the supplies with which the home country (or zone of the interior) provides the army in the field. 方框6上的EVM代表一个给养储备仓库,这些仓库储备后方地带用来供应战场上的军队的给养。
- WV in box 7 represents the Defense District Administration.It receives the requests of the army, and takes measures for their fulfillment through the reserve supply depots. 方框7上的WV代表防区后勤部门,它接受军队的请求并采取措施从储备补给基地调动给养。
- A reserve supply or source. 存货,储备储备供应或来源
- accumulating and storing a reserve supply. 积攒并储存一些备用的物品。
- eombat readiness reserve supply chain 战备物资储备供应链
- a reserve supply of food; a spare tire; spare parts. 食物供给储备;备用轮胎;机器备件。
- The firm's tender for the supply of timber has been accepted. 那家商号的供应木材投标已被接受。
- The factory has built up reserve fund. 这个工厂已积累了后备基金。
- I have kept a reserve fund in case of accidents. 我已筹备了一笔准备基金以防不测。
- Suppose I reserve seats in advance. 我先去定好座位吧。
- Reserve double room June fourth to tenth inclusive. 预订双人房间,六月四日至十日,共六晚,望订妥复电。
- The area has been designated as natural reserve. 该地区已被指定为一个自然保护区。
- Our country has a bountiful supply of food. 我们国家有充足的食物供应。
- In addition, we supply small parts for replacement. 此外,我们还提供备用小零件。
- The supply ships travelled in convoy. 补给船结队航行。
- I reserve a table to a restaurant. 我向餐厅订一桌席位。
- How many calories can an ounce of sugar supply? 一盎司糖可以供给多少卡热量?
- There was a liberal supply of drinks at the party. 那次宴会上有大量饮料供应。