- reset and enlarged edition 增订本
- Commentaries Translation and Research on the Silk Scroll Book of Laozi a revised and enlarged edition written by Xu Kangsheng Hangzhou: Zhejiang People's Publishing House 1985. (台北:文津出版社1985)伦敦所藏敦煌老子写本残卷研究[海外中文图书](程南洲著)
- Controls surge reset and reload. 控制喘振复位和再加载.
- The WatchDog has been reset and APs 1 and 2 are OFFLINE. 已经重启了监视器,且 AP 1 和 AP 2 处于 OFFLINE 状态。
- Werner Leonhard.Control of Electrical Drives.2nd Completely Revised and Enlarged Edition, Springer-verlag,1996 陈伯时.;电力拖动自动控制系统(第2版)
- Mediastinal lymph nodes were usually hyperemic and enlarged. 纵隔淋巴结通常充血和增长。
- Invalid subnet mask! Press any key to reset and reconfigure. 无效子网掩码!按任意键重启或重新配置。
- The camera will reset and you will hear Kain say "Fear the Tube". 现在,你将握著强力的毁灭武器..."硬纸管"(我猜..大概是像保鲜膜中间那条
- The dictionary has been revised and enlarged to 1500 pages. 这部字典增订到1500页。
- revised and enlarged editionn. 增订版
- Mr James followed up and enlarged on the work his father had begun. 詹姆斯先生继承和扩大了父业。
- Specific for acne-prone skin and enlarged pores. Origin: Egypt. 针对长期出痘痘和毛孔粗大的油性皮肤问题。产地:埃及。
- Alsoother , the udder becomes hot, painful and enlarged. 乳腺癌通过细菌感染传染。
- This ovary is dark and enlarged from hemorrhage following torsion. 卵巢扭转造成出血而变黑变大。
- Mr. James followed up and enlarged on the work his father had begun. 詹姆斯先生继承和扩大了父业。
- This is the enlarged edition. 这是增订版。
- Before the object can be used again, the device must be reset and the. 方法,然后才可以再次使用该对象。
- Also, the udder becomes hot, painful and enlarged, and the animal may not eat. 当然,乳房开始变热,疼痛,变大。动物可能不进食。
- Invalid route configuration! Press any key to reset and reconfigure. 无效路由设置!
- ATMEGA128 procedures based on the stopwatch, a start reset and stop function. 基于ATMEGA128的秒表程序,有开始、复位、停止功能。