- A male teacher in charge of a residence hall at a school. 男舍监负责管理学校宿舍的男性教师
- It is requested that you reserve a place for me in a residence hall on campus. 请在校内学生宿舍为我预定一个床位。
- Formerly, a residence hall for students, especially law students, in London. 饭店原意是指学生宿舍,尤指伦敦法科学生宿舍
- A woman employed as supervisor or housekeeper of a residence hall for young people. 女舍监受雇管理和看守年轻人的住所的女性
- At Western New England College, a new residence hall, Southwood Hall, opened as school began. 的一个新学生宿舍,它在开学时开放使用。
- Students wishing to live in a residence hall on campus must sign a contract or agreement to occupy such quarters for a specified period of time. 打算住学校宿舍的学生必须签一份合同或协议,写明居住的一般具体时间。
- Maryville College in Maryville, Tennessee, decided to tear down one residence hall last year and build a new dorm at a cost of $7 million. 因此,在去年,位于田纳西州玛丽维尔的圣路易斯玛丽维尔大学决定推倒一幢宿舍楼并花七百万美元重建一幢新的。
- I have been admitted to the Master’s program in Political Science at your university and I am planning to enroll in September this year. It is requested that you reserve a place for me in a residence hall on campus. 我已被录取攻读贵校政治学专业硕士课程。我打算今年9月份来报到。现特来信请求在校内学生公寓帮我预订一个铺位。
- Others choose lives of asceticism within our cloistered residence halls. 有些人自愿选择住在我们修堂里做苦行主义者。
- I heard his footsteps in the hall. 我听见大厅里有他的脚步声。
- Smoking is prohibited inside all VIU buildings, including residence halls and private rooms. 在威尼斯国际大学的所有建筑物内都禁止吸烟,包括学员公寓和个人房间。
- The hall resounded with laughter and whistles. 大厅里充满了笑声和口哨声。
- Widener is located in a quiet, residential area with 24-hour campus security, card access residence halls, and escort and shuttle services. 学院位于一个安静的住宿区,24小时安全有保证,出入宿舍卡,护卫,接送服务。
- Conventional dormitories or residence halls may be either restricted to one sex or coeducational , with certain floors or areas within them assigned to men or women. 按惯例,宿舍可能限于同性学生,也可能有男女学生同住,不过把某几层楼或某些部分指定全由男生或女生使用。
- Widener has the traditional two-person rooms in most halls, with Resident Assistants in every residence hall. 学院有传统的双人间,在每一个住宿楼里面都有住宿助理。
- The accordion was in full blast in the hall. 在大厅里手风琴拉得非常响亮。
- His footsteps echoed (in the empty hall). 他的脚步声(在空荡荡的大堂里)产生了回声。
- a male teacher in charge of a residence hall at a school 负责管理学校宿舍的男性教师
- The lecture is to be delivered at the hall. 演讲将在大厅进行。
- Rebel ratepayer have occupied the town hall. 造反派的纳税人已占领了市政大厅。