- residual magnetic type 剩磁式
- The residual magnetism that remains on magnetic storage media after degaussing. 经消磁后,磁介质上残留的磁感应。
- This hypothesis is only observed oceanic ridges of rock and the residual magnetic field sensors made to return the reverse. 此假说只是观察到岩石和大洋洋脊的感应剩磁场来回反向而提出来的。
- The opposing magnetic intensity that must be applied to a magnetized material to remove the residual magnetism. 作用于磁化材料以去除剩磁的反向磁通强度。
- Residual magnetic induction and the increase of self-magnetization occur in ferromagnetism structures due to the influence of working load and geomagnetic field. 在工作载荷和地磁场的作用下,针对铁磁性构件存在残余磁感应和自磁化增长的现象,进行了引起磁记忆特性及其与检测时间关系的研究。
- Gruber C. E. and Carda D. D. (1981) , Performance analysis of permanent magnet type water treatment devices. WSA Research report : Final Report . Water Quality Association. 许桂铭(2001),磁化水对水泥混凝土性能影响之探讨,铺面工程学术研讨会第11届。
- Gruber C. E. and Carda D. D. (1981) , Performance analysis of permanent magnet type water treatment devices. WSA Research report : Final Report . Water Quality Association. 许桂铭(2001),磁化水对水泥混凝土性能影响之探讨,铺面工程学术研讨会第11届。
- At the end of the paper, the authors propose an electrical magnetic type HTSC maglev vehicle model based on the experimental results. 根据试验分析结果,作者提出了一种电磁型高温超导磁浮模型车的结构。
- Parts which are oil wetted should also require Level 2 residual magnetism. 同样,被机油浸润过的零部件也需进行二级剩磁检测。
- At last, the existing problems in the research were pointed out, the trend of further development of permanent magnet type of retarder in automobile was predicted. 分析了永磁式缓速器研究过程中存在的问题,并针对问题提出了未来研究重点和发展趋势。
- According to the characteristics of tubing-magnetic-leakage detection,tubing magnetization and residual magnet in it are analyzed. 根据油管漏磁无损检测的特点,分析了油管的磁化作用和其中存在的剩磁。
- Fishing magnet type CL is a very effective tool that fishes small piece magnetic fishing substances, and it is characterized by small volume, light weight, and no demagnetization by long-term use under condition of normal use and maintenance. cl强磁打捞器是打捞小件铁磁性落物极有较工具,具有体积小、重量轻、在正常使用和保养条件下长期使用不退磁的特点。
- When possible, the fixture should be built from low-carbon steel and large masses of steel should be normalized to minimize residual magnetism. 如果可能;工装应用低碳钢制作;大块的钢板应规格化以最小化剩余的磁性.
- In this article,the principle and application of magnetic type,zirconia type,galvanic-cell type oxygen analyzers are discussed,characteristics of several kinds of analyzers are introduced. 论述了磁氧型、氧化锆型和电池型氧分析仪的原理和应用,介绍了几款分析仪器的特点,并阐述了取样系统的材料的选择和使用中注意点。
- Checking and analysis revealed at last, that it was caused by residual magnetism after repair, the polarity of which was opposite to that effected by direct current in the rofor. 在水力发电公司检修时,几次碰到发电机不能启励建压的情况,经过检查分析,最终确定为剩磁的原因,主要是检修后剩磁的极性与转子直流电产生的极性相反造成的。
- But when used, its powdering, forming and ceramic working should be strictly controlled, so that magnet with high residual magnetism and high coercive force could be made to meet the need for magnetic performance of starters. 在生产中必须严格控制制粉、型及烧结工艺,才能制造出高的磁通密度(剩磁)高的磁场强度的磁体,从而满足摩托车起动电机的电磁特性。
- Permanent magnet type eddy current retarder 永磁式涡流缓速器
- Residual magnetic field/field, residual magnetic 剩磁场
- external magnet type traveling-wave tube 外部电磁型行波管