- To resist stubbornly and obstinately;balk. 坚决反对;拒绝继续
- To resist stubbornly and obstinately; balk. 坚决反对;拒绝继续
- If the enemies continue to resist stubbornly, wipe them out. 敌人再顽抗就消灭它。
- Takes up the submachine gun to resist stubbornly especially. 尤拿起冲锋枪负隅顽抗.仗着熟悉地形,负伤后逃脱...
- That stubborn man always cleave to his idea. 那固执的人不愿改变想法。
- The stubborn child was at last brought to reason. 这个不听话的孩子最终明白过来了。
- He incurred much blame for his stubborn attitude. 他态度顽固而招致许多责难。
- The nobility usually resist social changes. 贵族通常反对社会变革。
- She stubbornly refused to cooperate. 她顽固地拒绝合作。
- An odd, whimsical, or stubborn notion. 怪念头奇怪的、奇异的或顽固的想法
- They are determined to resist invasion. 他们决定抵抗入侵。
- Lenin fought stubbornly for the purity of Marxist theory. 列宁顽强地为维护马克思主义学说的纯洁性而战斗。
- I can never resist an ice cream. 我一见到冰淇淋就忍不住想吃。
- I had a stubborn cold and coughed day and night. 我得了很难治的感冒,日夜咳嗽。
- This detergent can remove stubborn stains. 这种去污剂能去除难洗的污渍。
- This lock's rather stubborn; it needs oiling. 这把锁很难开;得给它加点油了。
- He could not resist the temptation to steal. 他经不起想要偏巧的诱惑。
- There is no reasoning with such a stubborn man as Peter. 跟彼得这种固执的人讲理简直是不可能的事。
- He couldn't resist the lure of money. 他不能抵制金钱的诱惑。
- This special coating is designed to resist rust. 这一特别的涂层旨在抗锈。