- He told us to get ready to resist the enemy attack. 他让我们做好准备,抵抗敌人的进攻。
- They tried to resist the enemy attack. 他们尽力抵抗乱人的进攻。
- The partisans resisted the enemy stubbornly. 游击队对敌人进行了顽强的抵抗。
- Thus, the defenders can still resist the enemy by it. 士兵凭此抵抗敌人的进攻。
- The military counselor is thinking hard about a good way to resist the enemy. 军师苦思着拒敌良策。
- If the enemy continue to resist, wipe them out. 如果敌人继续抵抗,就把他们消灭掉。
- However, in the War of Gengzi, Gan Army was under orders to resist the enemy, and its actual strength was greatly weakened after the war. 然而在庚子之役中 ,甘军奉命力抗敌军 ,实力大为削弱。
- The enemy army crumpled up under our attacks. 敌军在我军的攻击下垮了。
- The soldiers resisted the enemy attacks for three years. 三年来士兵们抵抗着敌人的进攻。
- Game : one shot on the fire lines, continuously add strength to resist the enemy attack, the third air strike aircraft begins, attention! 游戏介绍:一人一枪的防火线,抵御敌人不断补充的兵力进攻,第三关开始有飞机空袭,注意!
- The city resisted the enemy onslaught for two weeks. 这个城市反抗敌人的猛攻达两个星期之久。
- The duty of a member of the armed forces to use all means available to resist the enemy is not lessened by the misfortune of captivity. 解释:武装部队成员有责任用各种方式抵抗敌人,这种责任并不因为不幸被俘而减弱。
- The city was bombarded by the enemy. 这座城市被敌人炮击了。
- After a stubborn resistance the enemy was fought off at last. 敌人顽强抵抗,但终于被击退了。
- The soldiers resisted the enemy attacks for two days. 两天来,战士们抵抗着敌人的进攻。
- He could not resist the temptation to steal. 他经不起想要偏巧的诱惑。
- They successfully resisted the onslaught of the enemy. 战场上, 他们再一次成功遏阻了敌军的围攻。
- He couldn't resist the lure of money. 他不能抵制金钱的诱惑。
- The enemy kept up their bombardment day and night. 敌军一直日夜不停地狂轰滥炸。
- He was helpless to resist the temptation. 他无法抵御诱惑。