- The factory has ceased making bicycles. 那工厂已停止生产自行车了。
- The magazine has ceased publication. 该杂志已经停止出版。
- The matter has ceased to be a mystery to anyone. 这件事对大家已不再是个谜了。
- That department has ceased to exist. 那部门已不复存在。
- Respiration has no who and whose air, dry air. 呼吸没有谁和谁的空气,干燥的空气。
- Our factory has ceased producing bicycles. 我们的工厂已不再生产自行车。
- The newspaper had ceased publication. 报纸已停刊。
- He has ceased from his wickedness. 他已不做坏事了。
- The story has ceased to be novel. 那故事已不再是新鲜的了。
- respiration has ceased 呼吸已停止
- Soon the romantic "wild west" has ceased to be. 译文:不久,浪漫蒂克的“西部荒原”,便烟消云散了。
- The factory has ceased making bicycle. 工厂已经停止生产自行车。
- Those departments have ceased to exist. 那些部门已不复存在了。
- An extinct volcano has ceased to be able to explode. 死火山已失去爆发能力。
- All worldly distinctions have ceased. 一切世俗的分歧都消失了。
- Can she have ceased loving Prince Andrey? 难道她不爱安德烈公爵了吗?
- He has bathed his forehead, and the blood has ceased trickling. 他已经洗过了额头,血也不渗出来了。
- The day is ended, and the rain has ceased for a moment. 一天结束了,雨暂时停了。
- They heard that he had ceased to think so. 他们听说他已经不这么想了。
- The news story had ceased to have priority. 新闻报道已不再是当务之急了。