- restore file system resource [计] 恢复文件系统资源
- Gets the content type of the file system resource. 获取文件系统资源的内容类型。
- Gets the length of the content in the file system resource. 获取文件系统资源中的内容长度。
- Ends an asynchronous request for a file system resource. 结束对文件系统资源的异步请求。
- Instance that provides read-only access to a file system resource. 实例,该实例提供对文件系统资源的只读访问。
- Gets the URI of the file system resource that provided the response. 获取提供响应的文件系统资源的URI。
- The Grid File System Directory Services specification describes the management of a namespace of federated and virtualized data from file system resources, access control mechanisms, and meta-data management. Grid File System Directory Services规范描述的是对于文件系统资源数据进行联邦化和虚拟化后的命名空间管理,访问控制机制,以及元数据的管理。
- Be to Restore File HDPT.DAT in Disktte A to Hard Disk, Press Any Key. 将保存在盘中的硬盘主引导区信息。
- Cannot determine file system of drive %1. 无法决定%251驱动器的文件系统。
- Failed to extend the file system for the volume. 未能扩展卷的文件系统。
- Failed to initialize file system! 初始化失败!
- Describes the File System Editor. 描述“文件系统编辑器”。
- SAM Disks and File System Fil system. 中查看各文件系统的大小等各种信息是否与要求一致。
- Domain switch accomplished via file system. 域变换通过文件系统完成。
- Restore junction points, and restore file and folder data under junction points to the original location. 还原交接点,并将交接点下的文件和文件夹数据还原到原始位置。
- Check the integrity of the file system. 检查文件系统的完整性。
- Distribute the operating system resource models to the endpoints. 为端点分配操作系统资源模型。
- Design rule for Camera File System 2. 相机文件系统设计规则2。
- Tree. Zip Example how to scan file system v. 用递归法例举系统文件的例子。
- The file system is incompatible with this disk. 文件系统与该磁盘不兼容。