- She believed we could restore peace on our own. She spent many an hour poring over the books here in search of a way. 她相信我们能靠自己恢复和平。她花了许多时间在这里的书籍里面寻求方法。
- Confucius spent his whole life trying to restore peace and harmony in society by emphasing moral virtues and values. 孔子尽其一生,强调美德与道德价值,以恢复社会的安宁与和谐。
- At that moment an angry Prince Escalus of Verona and his men on horseback arrived in the town square to restore peace. 就在此时,维洛那城王子艾斯喀勒率领手下骑兵怒气冲冲地来到了城中广场维持秩序。
- With Dr.Light's help, a household helper robot named Mega Man embarks on a mission to restore peace to the world. 藉由光博士帮忙,一个家庭被命名超级的男人帮忙者机械手开始着手一个任务回复到世界的和平。
- I willing take this yoke unto my shoulders and will make every effort to restore peace to this country. 我乐意背负此轭在我的肩膀上;并希望尽一切的努力去恢复这个国家的和平.
- Now you must guide this hero on the path to recover the Sword of Angels and restore peace through out the land. 现在你一定指导在路径上的这一个英雄复原天使的刀剑而且回复和平经过出自土地。
- The great Monarch will come to restore peace and the Pope will share in the victory. 伟大的君主会来恢复和平,教宗会分享胜利。
- Since the end of hostilities, we have invested its substance and its energy in great constructive effort to restore peace. 由于敌对的结束,我们已将本身之物质和能源投资在为恢复和平的强大建设力量中。
- It is still the best to concern oneself with eternals, far from them alone flows the spirit that can restore peace and serenity to the world of humans. 身为人类,我们所拥有的智慧刚好能够了解,在面对这个世界时,我们的智利显得多么的不足。
- B. However, in order to restore peace and social order, individual states or the international community has repeatedly used force in history. 然而,历史上为了恢复和平和社会秩序,个别的国家或国际社会再三地使用武力。
- Australia led a multinational force into the Solomons to restore peace in what was the biggest military deployment in the South Pacific since World War Two. 由澳大利亚领导的一个多国部队进驻在所罗门群岛,以恢复和平。这个多国部队是二战以后驻扎在南太平洋的最大的武装部队。
- With the scientists working hard to restore peace to the lake, it is hoped that the ecosystem can be rejuvenated to save the habitats and species living in the Murray River. 希望科学家努力的恢复湖中的平静,能帮助恢复整个生态系统,来拯救居住在墨瑞河的自然栖息地动物。
- The statement reiterated China's commitment to restoring peace in the region. 陈述中重申中国致力于恢复该地区的和平。
- If that can be done, U. S. officials argue, there still would be hope of eventually inducing Syria and Israel to withdraw their forces and of bringing Mr. Gemayel and his domestic foes together in a new power-sharing arrangement that would restore peace. 美国官员们说,只要能作到这一点,就还有希望最后诱使叙利亚和以色列撤出它们的部队,使杰马耶勒先生同他的国内敌手们重新碰头,来研究出一种新的权力分配,从而可能恢复和平。
- In order to mediate the conflicts between the ethnic group of Hema and Lendu and restore peace and stability in the region, the DRC government called the chiefs of tribes in the Ituri region to a meeting in the capital Kinshasa. 为了调解赫马和伦杜两个部族的矛盾,恢复该地区的和平与安定,刚果(金)政府在首都金沙萨召集伊土里地区的部落酋长开会。
- Even such a war criminal as Chiang Kai-shek knows that without negotiations it is impossible to cease hostilities and restore peace; on this point Sun Fo is far behind Chiang Kai-shek. 连蒋介石那样的战争罪犯,也知道停止战争,恢复和平,没有商谈是不可能的,孙科在这点上比蒋介石差远了。
- The new manager's job is to restore the company to profitability. 新经理的工作是让这家公司能恢复盈利状况。
- Bang! The young Bush mushroom has vanished in a piece of white light, the world restored peace! 轰的一声!小布什蘑菇在一片白光之中消失了,世界恢复了和平!
- The olive leaf is a badge of peace. 橄榄叶是和平的象征。
- The situation poses a grave threat to world peace. 这局势对世界和平构成了严重的威胁。