- Assist in Implementation of ISO,TQM,JIT,ERP etc. 协助完成ISO质量,TQM全面质量管理,JIT即时到货,ERP物料系统的管理.
- restriction in implementation 司法限制
- Foreign travel is restricted in his country. 他的家乡是禁止外出旅游的
- Her vision is restricted in one eye. 她只有一只眼睛有视力。
- They are restricted in their movements. 他们的行动受到限制。
- The discussion is restricted in educational issues. 讨论仅限于教育问题。
- Abortion is restricted in some American states. 在美国的一些州堕胎是受限制的。
- Experience in implementing change. 改革实施的经验。
- The use of this kind of drug is restricted in many countries. 许多国家禁止使用这种药品。
- They became more and more restricted in their freedom of action. 他们的行动自由受到越来越大的限制。
- Excellent knowledge in implementing a lean manufacturing system. 卓越的实行精益制造系统的知识。
- Today in the U.S cigarette smoking is restricted in many ways. 今天在美国用各种各样方式限制抽烟。
- Assist in implementation and maintenance of plant industrial hygiene program. 配合执行和维持工业卫生程序。
- However, you can put restrictions in a WHERE clause. 但是,您可以将限制放置于WHERE子句中。
- What kind of tourism should be restricted in a wildlife reserve? 环境保护区应该限制什么样的旅游活动?
- Also, his love of freedom chafed against the restriction in much the same way his neck chafed against the starched fetter of a collar. 何况他那爱自由的天性也受不了这种压抑,跟他那脖子受不了浆硬了的枷锁十分相像。
- But the utility is overly restrictive in time and states of nature. 但是可加效用对时间和自然状态有着太多的要求。
- Variant type parameters can only be declared on interfaces and delegate types, due to a restriction in the CLR. 变性类型参数只能在接口和委托类型中声明,这是CLR的限制。
- Warning: is_writable() [function.is-writable]: open_basedir restriction in effect. 提示这个,请问是什么意思啊?
- There is no restriction in vers libre, you can write it long or short, even with no rhymes at all. 写自由体诗可以很自由;可长可短;甚至可以不押韵.