- It is in accord with the interest of the people. 这符合人民利益。
- The adjustment of the interest rate will moderate. 利率的调整将会放缓。
- His report titillated the interest of the audience. 他的报告激发了听众的兴趣。
- The interests of the two countries collide. 两国的利益发生冲突。
- Sensing, the interest of the audience, the speaker warmed to his topic. 演讲者感觉到听众对他的话题有兴趣,讲得更加起劲了。
- The interest of the two countries collide. 两国利益发生冲突。
- All I did is in the interest of the family. 我做的一切都是为了这个家的利益。
- Anarchy does not accord with the interests or wishes of the people. 无政府状态不符合人民的利益和愿望。
- What's the interest of the checking account pays? 支票账户和利息是多少?
- The interest runs from the first of the month. 借贷利息从本月一日开始算起
- He trained them to be bold selfless fighters for the interests of the people. 他培养他们成为为人民利益奋斗的勇敢无私的战士。
- Work entirely in the interests of the revolution. 全心全意地为革命的利益工作。
- He thought chiefly of the interests of his own. 他主要考虑自己的利益。
- Truth is in the interests of the people. 真理是符合人民利益的。
- The XSD pattern facet allows for the restriction of the lexical space of simple types. XSD模式方面允许对简单类型的词法空间进行限制。
- This is more than 179 trees as a result of the height restriction of air law has hindered Shizuoka Airport opened. 这179棵树由于超过航空法的高度限制,曾妨碍静冈机场开港。
- Unlawful detention and deprivation or restriction of citizens' freedom of the person by other means is prohibited. 禁止非法拘禁和以其他方法非法剥夺或者限制公民的人身自由。
- It must be compressed to save the space of memory owing to the restriction of the weight and the volume of avionics. 由于机载条件对电子设备的重量和体积有很大的限制,因此地形数据必须要按低空突防的要求进行压缩以减小其存储空间。
- Marrying is in the interests of the two countries. 密切合作符合这两个国家的利益
- But because of the restriction of historical condition Condorcet's thought had fantasticality inevitably. 但是,由于社会历史条件的限制,孔多塞的启蒙思想又不可避免地带有空想性。