- A majority of retired officials relied on the social security system and kept the pot boiling by diversiform ways. 大多数致仕官员是依靠社会保障制度的支撑,多途径解决养老问题的。
- The pen drawings show,organized by the retired officials of the Ministry of Railways,will attract Hu Tailiang,a Yiwu painter working in Beijing,to demonstrate his wonderful skills to Yiwu people. 这次中国钢笔画展由铁道部老干部组织,在北京工作的义乌籍钢笔画家胡泰良将在文博会上为家乡人民献艺。
- Authorities in Altay Prefecture, in northwest China's Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, have publicly released a list of the assets of more than 1,000 current and retired officials. 官员被要求在线申报资产新疆维吾尔自治区西北的阿勒泰地区官方公布了1000多名当前和退休官员的资产清单。
- Retired officials relatives and close friends of officials also face criminal penalties if they take advantage of the official's position to make improper profits. 退休官员,亲戚以及关系密切的朋友如果利用了政府职位获取不正当利益的话也将面临刑事处罚。
- Chen's brother, a Communist Party member and retired official with a state-owned company, kept an eye on Dorje after his sister introduced them and found him trustworthy. 陈燕的哥哥是共产党员,也是一家国有企业的退休干部,在陈燕介绍多吉之后,他哥哥对多吉严加留意,发现他还是可信的。
- The runner was retired put out at first base. 跑垒者于第一垒上被刺杀出局。
- He was compulsorily retired as incompetent. 他以无能为由而被迫退休。
- The retired old man is living at his ease. 这位退休老人生活过得很安逸。
- The higher officials knew there was a hen on. 高级官员们知道这里面有阴谋。
- He retired on a company pension. 他退休时得到公司的退休金。
- That retired woman is a baby-sitter. 那个退休妇女是个临时保姆。
- After lunch he retired to his study. 他午饭后就到书房去了。
- My father retired at the age of 60. 我父亲六十岁时退休了。
- Our forces retired to prepared positions. 我们的部队撤退到既设阵地上。
- Corrupt officials milked the common people dry. 贪官污吏搜刮尽了民脂民膏。
- How does he occupy himself now he's retired? 他既已退休,那如何打发日子呢?
- The three officials waved stiffly. 三位官员拘谨地挥了挥手。
- The retired worker is sitting in the sunshine. 退休工人们正坐在阳光下。
- Immigration officials will ask to see your papers. 移民局的官员将要求你出示证件。
- The officials came to the party with their wives. 官员们携带妻子参加宴会。