- Every branch of expenditure was provincialized. 开支的每一部门都已地方化了。
- retrenchment of expenditure 紧缩开支
- What is Draft Estimates of Expenditure? 甚么是开支预算草案?
- Under which category should these items of expenditure be subsumed? 这些开销应归于哪一项?
- The computer was my largest single item of expenditure. 电脑是我花钱最多的一件东西。
- Has there been a growth of expenditure over the past three years? 过去三年开支有否增长?
- India, too, is trying to reform its potpourri of expenditure taxes. 中国是个储蓄大国,消费小国。
- The sale division has make an approximate fore-cast of expenditure. 销售部门做了一项经费开支的粗略预测。
- That item of expenditure belongs under the head of office expenses. 那笔开支属办公费项下。
- The sale division has made an approximate forecast of expenditure. 销售部门做了一项经费开支的粗略预测。
- Controlling of expenditure, and paying of wages, etc. 控制开支和支付工资,等等。
- The sale division have make an approximate fore cast of expenditure. 销售部门做了一项经费开支的粗略预测。
- Does this item of expenditure belong under the head of office expenses? 这开支是否属办公费项下?
- A plan of expenditures based on anticipated revenues. 根据估算的收入而制订的开支计划。
- So every item of expenditure must be proved by a pretty cash voucher. 因此每一笔开销都应该有一张零用现金发票。
- Now, as a massive retrenchment of the US economy is under way, it is time to shake the mental shackles of the superpower legacy and embrace a more peripheralist agenda. 如今,随着美国经济大规模滑坡,是卸下作为一个超级大国的思想包袱,接受现实的时候了。
- When will the Draft Estimates of Expenditure for the coming year be published? 来年的开支预算草案何时公布?
- The expenditure of money on weapons is very large. 购置武器的开支很大。
- The council may use the virement procedure to transfer money from one area of expenditure to another. 地方议会也许会使用调剂程序将资金从一个开支领域转到另一个开支领域。
- How can I persuade you of my sincerity? 我如何能够让你相信我的诚意?