- The practice of return call visit to built up a bridge for nurse -patient communication 开展电话回访搭建医患沟通桥梁
- return call visit 电话回访
- That's fine. I'll await his return call. 很好。我会等他的来电。
- Mr.Rattner didn't return calls seeking comment. 拉特纳没有回覆记者要求置评的电话。
- A spokesman for Dylan did not return calls. 迪伦的发言人对此不予回应。
- General manager Brian Cashman did not return calls. 记者向洋基经理现金男询问时;他没回电话.
- When you do return calls,try to place them yourself. 当你能够回电话时,尽量自己做。
- We have decided to give you a return call at 10 o'clock p.m.(Beijing time) on this Thursday,is it ok? 我们确定个时间给你回电话,就定在星期四的晚上10点,你看可以吗?请帮忙翻译一下可以吗?
- The CFTC and Mr Levin's office did not return calls. CFTC和莱文的办公室未回复记者电话。
- Mayor Francis Slay did not return calls to his office seeking comment Sunday. 在接受电话采访的时候,市长弗兰西斯·雷没有对此排名发表意见。
- Mr.Van Duren and Mr.Frosch didn't return calls and emails seeking comment. 范杜伦和福罗什没有回复要求置评的电话和电子邮件。
- He might think it polite to return the visit. 他可能认为回访比较合乎礼仪。
- I'm waiting for a return call. 我在等人家回电。
- PureEdit's core strength is its' ability to allow you to add certain suffixes to the end of column names which in return call certain field types, such as a textbox, textfield, or date field. 曾经自己也有过开发类似工具的想法,但是由于很难在灵活性与易用性之间找到平衡,因此一直也仅仅停留在想法而已。
- This is a few " oldSmokeGun " find oneself, their early morning awakes the first thing lights on one namely sweetSmoke, return call it by a good name of " earlySmokeLife-giving " . 这是一些“老烟枪”的自我感觉,他们清晨醒来第一件事就是燃上一支香烟,还美其名曰“早烟提神”。
- It is fitting that you should return his call. 你去回拜他是适当的。
- The Chinese Iron &Steel Association didn't immediately return calls from Bloomberg News seeking comment. 中国钢铁协会没有立刻对彭博社的电话采访做出答复。
- My brother is always at my father's beck and call. 我兄弟总是对我父亲唯命是从。
- One of these nights we must return the Lodges' visit. 我们必须在近期的某个晚上回访洛奇夫妇。
- Donna call on her friend kita for a chat. 多娜到她的朋友莉塔家闲谈。