- The dictionary has been revised and enlarged to 1500 pages. 这部字典增订到1500页。
- Commentaries Translation and Research on the Silk Scroll Book of Laozi a revised and enlarged edition written by Xu Kangsheng Hangzhou: Zhejiang People's Publishing House 1985. (台北:文津出版社1985)伦敦所藏敦煌老子写本残卷研究[海外中文图书](程南洲著)
- It was written by SunYingshi in Southern Song, later for many times revised and enlarged, completely finished during the Zhizheng Period of Yuan Dynasty. 这部地方志从南宋孙应时开始修纂,其后经过数次修订增补,直至元代至正年间最终完成。
- API Spec 6A has been revised and enlarged considerably in its fifteenth edition published in 1986. Strict technical regulation and rigid quality control in manufacturing are taken into consideration in the new edition. 美国石油学会1986年出版的API Spec 6A《井口及采油树装置规范》第15版,与第14版比较,作了较大的修改和增补,对产品的制造提出了严格的技术与质量控制要求。
- I am going to have it revised and publish. 我准备修改一下再出版。
- The book has been revised and brought up to date. 那本书已经过修订并且更新了内容。
- The book has revised and brought up to date. 这本书已经修订并使其内容更新。
- I am going to have it revised and published. 我准备修改一下再出版。
- A saint is a dead sinner revised and editted. 圣徒,是把死掉了的罪人经过修订而辑成的东西。
- Werner Leonhard.Control of Electrical Drives.2nd Completely Revised and Enlarged Edition, Springer-verlag,1996 陈伯时.;电力拖动自动控制系统(第2版)
- Mediastinal lymph nodes were usually hyperemic and enlarged. 纵隔淋巴结通常充血和增长。
- Revised and improved Marine radio communication. 修正和改进陆战队的无线通讯系统。
- Revised and newly edited by James Strachey. 作者声明: Translated by Joan Riviere.
- , Revised and enlarged by Jas.Burgess , Buddhist Art in India (London: Messrs Bernard Quaritch Limited, 1901). Gibson 于1901年将此书译为英文,由当时印度考古调查局局长 Jas Burgess 加以增补校订,于伦敦出版。
- Mr James followed up and enlarged on the work his father had begun. 詹姆斯先生继承和扩大了父业。
- Specific for acne-prone skin and enlarged pores. Origin: Egypt. 针对长期出痘痘和毛孔粗大的油性皮肤问题。产地:埃及。
- Alsoother , the udder becomes hot, painful and enlarged. 乳腺癌通过细菌感染传染。
- This ovary is dark and enlarged from hemorrhage following torsion. 卵巢扭转造成出血而变黑变大。
- Her father carefully wrote, revised and typed his letter. (她老爸小心地写、修改和打他的信。)
- Mr. James followed up and enlarged on the work his father had begun. 詹姆斯先生继承和扩大了父业。